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Queen Chastain looking ethereal beside an orange tree in Italy


Actress Jessica Chastain poses for a portrait session at the 2013 Giffoni Film Festival on July 21, 2013 in Giffoni Valle Piana, Italy.

Jessica Chastain poses with the 2013 Giffoni award on July 21, 2013 in Giffoni Valle Piana, Italy.

source 12

J.Cole Issues An Apology Over Autism Lyric


J.Cole recently found himself on the wrong side of The Anti-Bullying Alliance. On Drake’s song ”Jodeci Freestyle”, he spit: “I’m artistic, you niggas is autistic, retarded”.

Shortly afterward, the group launched a petition requesting the lyric be removed. This evening, Cole addressed the situation and apologized for his insensitivity via his blog.

Recently there’s been a trend that includes rappers saying something offensive, only to be attacked for it in the media and pressured to apologize. I have to be completely honest and say there’s a part of me that resents that. I view rap similar to how I view comedy. It’s going to ruffle feathers at times. It’s going to go “too far”. I do not believe that an apology is needed every time someone is offended, especially when that apology is really only for the sake of saving an endorsement or cleaning up bad press.

With that said, this is not the case today. This letter is sincere. This apology IS necessary.

In a recent verse on the song “Jodeci Freestyle”, I said something highly offensive to people with Autism. Last week, when I first saw a comment from someone outraged about the lyric,

I realized right away that what I said was wrong. I was instantly embarrassed that I would be ignorant enough say something so hurtful. What makes the crime worse is that I should have known better.

To the entire Autism community who expressed outrage, I’m moved and inspired by your passion, and I’m amazed at how strong you are as a unit. I have now read stories online from parents about their struggles and triumphs with raising an Autistic child and I admire how incredibly strong you have to be to do so. It’s touching. It also makes what I said even more embarrassing for me. I feel real shame. You have every right to be angry.

To anyone suffering from Autism, either mildly or severely, I am sorry. I’m bound to make mistakes in my life, but in my heart I just want to spread Love.

I want to educate myself more on Autism, and I’ll gladly own my mistake and serve as an example to today’s generation that there’s nothing cool about mean-spirited comments about someone with Autism. People with this disorder and their loved ones have to go through so much already, the last thing they need is to hear something as ignorant as what I said. I understand.

To the parents who are fighting through the frustrations that must come with raising a child with severe autism, finding strength and patience that they never knew they had; to the college student with Asperger’s Syndrome; to all those overcoming Autism. You deserve medals, not disrespect. I hope you accept my sincere apology.

Much Love -Cole


Bruised yet #Beautiful, Mariah Carey is on the road to recovery & may someday release an album


@MariahCarey: "Puppy therapy with The Reverend Pow Jackson."

Mariah Carey continues to recover from a shoulder injury she suffered while on the set of her new music video earlier this month. Just days after being hospitazlied, she appeared at the MLB All-Star Charity Concert in New York looking and sounding great -- and quite stylish in a fashion-forward sling.

On Monday, her husband, Nick Cannon, told CBSNews.com that Carey continues to feel better, but noted,"She still has a lot of nerve damage in her arm so she can't really move her arm all the way. So she's still in the sling. And she still has issues with her ribs and everything. But the doctors says a lot of rest and relaxation and she'll be back to normal in no time."

Cannon said Carey, 43, is still working on her new album, too, noting: "That's her main focus right now."


Tomorrow is the album's original release date...take your time Mimi...

Kelly Rowland - Dirty Laundry (Dirty Version) Music Video


While my sister was on stage, killing it like a motherfucker
I was enraged, feeling it like a motherfucker
Bird in a cage, you would never know what I was dealing with
Went out separate ways, but I was happy she was killing it
Bittersweet, she was up, I was down
No lie, I feel good for her, but what do I do now?
Forget the records
Off the record, I was going through some bullshit
Post-survivor, she on fire, who wanna hear my bullshit?


'Dexter's' Jennifer Carpenter: Deb Has Hit Rock Bottom


Can Deb ever forgive Dexter? "I don't think that you'll ever see Debra be with Dexter the way she did early in the series. She will never support or champion his Dark Passenger, but she will find a way to co-exist," the actress tells THR.

Debra Morgan has hit her rock bottom.

During Sunday's fourth episode of Dexter's eighth and final season, Jennifer Carpenter's beleaguered Deb, struggling with killing LaGuerta and El Guapo, attempted to take her own life -- and that of the man behind her problems: her foster brother, Dexter (Michael C. Hall).

Still reeling from her role in two slayings, Deb learns the truth about Harry (James Remar): that her father killed himself after learning just how much his young foster son enjoyed killing people under the code he and Vogel (Charlotte Rampling) created. With Dexter along as her passenger, Deb -- having seemingly just said her last goodbye to Quinn (Desmond Harrington) -- drives their car into the water in a bold attempt to bring an end to Dexter's secret hobby and her conflicted role in his life.

The Hollywood Reporter caught up with Carpenter to see where Deb -- and Dexter -- go from here.

The Hollywood Reporter: What does Deb learn after trying to kill both herself and Dexter?
Jennifer Carpenter:In the first four episodes of this season, Deb is searching for her bottom, and I think she's surprised to see just how low it actually is. She hits it when the car hits the water. When she looks back, she is able to see Dexter as this living, breathing person and it makes him real in that instant. It makes all of the other stuff secondary to that. As long as he is alive there is hope for if not a real brother-sister relationship, but at least an understanding, and there's hope for her having a real ally in her life. In that turn back to him in the car, she realizes that there aren't so many differences between their ugliness; that he's a little more developed and she's guilty of the things she hates him for, whether he led her down that path or not, she has a bloody hand in it.

THR: How is this experience going to change her? Is this the first step toward forgiving Dex?
Carpenter: It's like reading the last paragraph in a chapter of a book -- it gives her a start to a new one. I'm not sure that Deb actually has the foresight to or even the tools to plan for what that might look like. Dexter numbs her ability to make plans because he's forever changing the landscape of every situation. At the end of episode four, that repair certainly looks possible, not only with Dexter, but within herself. I think Deb is able to see him anew, not fresh and clean, and the slate certainly hasn't been wiped clean, but it's a possibility to change the picture drawn on it.

THR: So almost like she accepts him for who and what he is?
Carpenter: I'm not sure the car dropping in the water was like a baptism as much as it was like dunking his head in a toilet (laughs). It makes him be real with her and she'd be real with him; it's like they're actually just going to show up in the room together with all of their guts exposed and get real. What can they really do now about what's true? Where can they really move now that the truth is all out there? It's a way to squelch her emotions about him -- put the fires out and start doing damage recovery in order to rebuild.

THR: How will Dr. Vogel (Charlotte Rampling) play into that?
Carpenter: Vogel has the advantage -- at least from Deb's point of view -- because I imagine she looks like Deb's mother if she were alive. Little does Vogel know that that's a lottery ticket that she wins again and again with Deb. She's incredibly intelligent and manipulative in a way and has a way of sort of hypnotizing Deb into doing what she wants, which is in a strange way an invitation to stop it and take a different approach and slow her reaction time so that she can make better choices. I think that works to everyone's advantage, especially Debra's.

THR: Is Deb's path toward redemption going to bring her closer to Dexter? Could we see her work with his Dark Passenger?
Carpenter: I don't think that you'll ever see Debra be with Dexter the way she did early in the series. She will never support or champion his Dark Passenger, but she will find a way to co-exist. She has such a capacity for love that even on a bad day, she loves him more than anyone else could.

THR: Vogel questions why Dexter allowed Deb to live after she learned of his true nature, breaking the first rule of the code. Should Deb trust her?
Carpenter: Trust is too strong a word for what she feels for Vogel. It's like the building of any relationship: just because you've both got the cord in hand and you're considering plugging in, it doesn't necessarily mean you're allotted automatic trust or protection or love from the other. This is someone that was introduced to Debra through Dexter. She automatically has some reservations about investing in this woman; she's been dealing with post-traumatic stress, and like a lot of people in recovery, you latch on to what feels good at the moment and what feels like it's going to get you through your next day. Vogel seems to be fitting that bill and it's keeping her straight and feeling closer to something that used to feel like herself. She's feeling in control again.

THR: Deb has now killed twice on the series, El Guapo and LaGuerta. Could we see her develop her own version of a Dark Passenger?
Carpenter: No. If you hold Dexter and Deb up to one another and see if they could possibly be stencils to the other, they're like cardboard cutouts of the other's danger. That's the beauty of this show: They live on opposite ends of the spectrum and it's jarring when you find pieces of each other's puzzle that look like they might fit. But that's all they are, pieces of a puzzle of a much larger map.

THR: Deb doesn't seem to care if she lives or dies. Does this make Hannah McKay (Yvonne Strahovski) more of a threat to her?
Carpenter: The thing that remains after the accident is what you saw in the first episode and what you got a glimpse of before Deb pulls the car in the water: She doesn't care. I think "I don't care" might be her mantra. If she cared a little less maybe she'd survive with a little more ease. She's accepting the idea that she will never have all the information about Dexter. So when Hannah comes back into the picture, it will be about correcting information and then deciding which route has a little less pain and the least amount of destruction. As we filmed the final episode, I was still deciding what Hannah represented to Debra. This is when I got scared about the series ending; thinking about scenes that Hannah and Deb have played together -- I wanted to go back and either fight for another angle, another course of action or play something differently, like that bitch is going to haunt me for a long time.

THR: Knowing how Deb's story ends, are you happy with her ultimate fate?
Carpenter: When I got the final script I e-mailed [showrunner] Scott Buck and said that it was luminous. I was grateful that he put so much in my hands. I'm happy with how every storyline ends. The season got off to an incredible start, so hopefully everybody will stick around for this incredible ending that we're giving in twelve.

THR: Looking back over the eight seasons, how many F-bombs do you think Deb has dropped during Dexter's eight-season run?
Carpenter: I don't know; I hope some really awesome fan figures it out, but I mean, thousands and thousands. Oh God, I need to go start saying Hail Mary's or something.


love her!!!!!!!!!!! Deb is the queen of the show, it is known

to all those dissing her acting and saying she doesn't deserve an Emmy...


ReaL SPORTS with Bryan Gumbel: CHIVAS USA Controversy

'Beverly Hills Cop' TV Series Officially Dead. BUT Pilot Tested Well, So 4th Movie In Development


It was in May when we reported that CBS had passed on the Beverly Hills Cop TV series adaptation, which Brandon T. Jackson was to star in as Axel Foley's (Eddie Murphy's) son.

I believe many of us foolishly thought the series was a lock for a pick-up, given the brand, and who was involved (notably Shawn Ryan and Eddie Murphy), as well as the fact that there was some serious competition from all 4 major networks for the series last year, with CBS emerging the winner of this new Beverly Hills Cop series. And it is in part due to that interest in the project from all 4 major networks, that it was also reported that the series wasn't entirely dead, and there was the possibility that it could end up on another network.

Skip ahead a couple of months to this past weekend when Ryan, who was to serve as showrunner, if CBS picked it up, posted the following to Twitter:

Sad to report that efforts to land Beverly Hills Cop pilot at another network have failed. This iteration is dead for now. (Cont...)

But then, maybe more interestingly, he added the following:

Good news for fans of franchise is that the pilot tested so well, it has caused Paramount to put another #BHC movie into development.

So, the TV series is dead, but the pilot tested very well that Paramount believes another Beverly Hills Cop movie would be a good idea, and have begun development on one.

How do you guys feel about that?

What I find interesting about this revelation is that, if the pilot tested as well as Ryan says it did, why did CBS pass on it, and why did no other network want it? What am I missing here? Is it that none of them could squeeze it into their lineups? But, again, if it tested so very well, you'd think they'd all be clamoring to get their hands on it, and make it fit somewhere in their schedules.

I'd love to see the pilot episode.

Described as an hour-long crime procedural with strong comedic elements, the TV series was to have a similar fish-out-of-water setup as the film, and would center on Axel Foley’s son, Aaron, a blue-collar police officer, trying to make a name for himself, absent of his prominent father's influence, and the criminals among the rich and famous in Beverly Hills he helps eliminate.

As for a 4th Beverly Hills Cop movie. You might remember that, last October, Eddie Murphy had pretty much buried the idea of a 4th movie, when he told Rolling Stone magazine in an interview that "none of the movie scripts were right; it was trying to force the premise. If you have to force something, you shouldn't be doing it. It was always a rehash of the old thing. It was always wrong."

In that same conversation, Eddie did add that, he was more interested in adapting the movie to TV, as a drama series.

So whether or not he'd be a major part of another movie remains to be seen.

The 3 films in the film franchise (which started out strong, but got successively worse) grossed over $735 million worldwide, and the first film was nominated for a Best Original Screenplay Oscar in 1985. It was also Murphy's first full-fledged starring vehicle.


I'm not sure how to feel about the rumours now that two networks have passed on it.

Emma Attends Woodly Allen Event Alongside Andrew in France


She started her career as a redhead despite being a natural blonde.
But after returning to rouge at the end of the last month, Emma Stone looks like she has well and truly settled back into what is fast becoming her trademark colour.

Smiling broadly the 24-year-old showed off her porcelain like skin as she watched Woody Allen and his New Orleans Jazz Band perform in France alongside her boyfriend Andrew Garfield.

Clearly enjoying the occasion Emma smiled as she chatted away to her boyfriend and Spiderman co-star Andrew Garfield who wore a checked shirt.

Emma was recently announced as the leading lady in Woody Allen’s latest feature which will shoot in France.

The comedy will also star Colin Firth, who showed off his incredibly slimmed down figure as he too came to support Woody.


so happy she's back red, she just needs to put on some.

Kelly Rowland rescued after 12 hours stuck at sea: 'It was pretty rocky out there'

rowland23f-5-webDestiny’s Child singer Kelly Rowland proved to be a survivor on the high seas.

The newly minted "X-Factor" judge and a half dozen companions were lost at sea for 12 hours Friday after the captain of their charter boat ride from Provincetown, Mass., became disoriented in choppy weather, The Cape Cod Times first reported.

“It was pretty rocky out there, from what they told me,” Noah Santos, the captain of the towboat dispatched to bring the lost craft back to shore, told the News.

“They were just a little shaken up. They were okay, though, and just very happy to see [my boat.].”

Rowland’s party had set sale Friday morning on a private whale watching expedition when the ship got lost in the fog and 5-foot waves roughly 30 miles off shore, Santos said.
After the Harbor Master realized the boat was late in returning, the Coast Guard was notified and triangulated the position of the missing vessel.

Santos, captain of TowBoat U.S., was then dispatched to tow the charter boat back.

Though Rowland and her fellow passengers were too tired to talk much after arriving back on dry land at 11 p.m., the “Sail On” singer did get a chance to thank her rescuer the following evening.

“I ran into her the next day while I was out at dinner with my wife and she bought us dinner,” says Santos. “She told me I was her hero.


Talented, Legendary and Timeless Queen Rita Moreno to Receive 2013 SAG Life Achievement Award


Rita Moreno will receive SAG-AFTRA's Life Achievement Award at the 2014 SAG Awards, the union announced today.

Moreno, 81, will be the 50th recipient of the award designed to recognize career achievement and humanitarian accomplishment.

The honor is given annually to an actor who fosters the "finest ideals of the acting profession."

Ken Howard, SAG-AFTRA co-president said of Moreno in a statement: "She is an extraordinarily versatile, talented and generous actor whose career is notable for its courageous choices and for the breadth, depth and quality of her many demanding and commanding roles. She is a magnificent actor, and I am honored to join all SAG-AFTRA members in recognizing the incomparable Rita Moreno."

Roberta Reardon, SAG-AFTRA co-president added in a statement, "No one is more deserving of this honor than the fabulous and accomplished Rita Moreno, an iconic talent whose excellent work includes hit movies, highly-rated television series, landmark public television programs and award-winning recordings. She is emblematic of the broad reach and diverse coverage of our new, merged union. She is an inspiration in every effort, but never more so than with her civil rights activism, promoting equality and diversity while ushering in a more representative depiction of the American scene on screen."

The Puerto Rico-born Moreno won a Best Supporting Actress Oscar for her role as Anita in the 1961 movie West Side Story. She's also won two Emmys, a Tony, a Grammy, the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the National Medal of the Arts. She also received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1995.

She's one of just 11 artists and the only Hispanic performer to get the coveted E.G.O.T. combination of an Emmy, Oscar, Grammy and Tony.

She also starred in the long-running PBS children's series The Electric Company. More recently, she's had roles in the TV series Oz and TV Land's Happily Divorced in which she plays the mother of Fran Drescher's character.
The 20th Annual SAG Awards will be broadcast live on TNT and TBS on January 18, 2014.


Paramore announces new US tour


OCT 19 ANAHEIM, CA @ Honda Center (TICKETS)
OCT 22 FRESNO, CA @ Save Mart Center (TICKETS)
OCT 23 SAN DIEGO, CA @ Viejas Arena (TICKETS)
OCT 26 DALLAS, TX @ Grand Prairie Verizon Theatre (TICKETS)
OCT 27 HOUSTON, TX @ Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion (TICKETS)
OCT 29 KANSAS CITY, MO @ Independence Events Center (TICKETS)
OCT 30 ST. LOUIS, MO @ Fabulous Fox Theater (TICKETS)
NOV 01 AUSTIN, TX @ Austin360 Amphitheater (TICKETS)
NOV 05 ORLANDO, FL @ UCF Convocation Center (TICKETS)
NOV 08 CAMDEN, NJ @ Susquehanna Bank Center (TICKETS)
NOV 09 FAIRFAX, VA @ Patriot Center (TICKETS)
NOV 11 BETHLEHEM, PA @ Sands Bethlehem Event Center (TICKETS)
NOV 13 NEW YORK, NY @ Madison Square Garden (TICKETS)
NOV 17 UNCASVILLE, CT @ Mohegan Sun Arena (TICKETS)
NOV 18 MONTREAL, QU @ Bell Centre *
NOV 20 TORONTO, ON @ Theatre at Air Canada Centre *
NOV 21 DETROIT, MI @ The Palace Of Auburn Hills (TICKETS)
NOV 23 MINNEAPOLIS, MN @ Roy Wilkins Auditorium (TICKETS)
NOV 26 NASHVILLE, TN @ Bridgestone Arena (TICKETS)
NOV 27 ATLANTA, GA @ The Arena at Gwinnett Center (TICKETS)

* Support acts and on-sale information to be announced.


I have my presale code but GA is $60 and seats are $50. but I really want to see metric too. but I hate going to san jose. ugh.

One Direction- Best Song Ever Music Video!!!

Fail mother attempts to screw up her daughter again


Lindsay Lohan's mother has been banned from participating in her rehab treatment after a drunken phone call a few weeks ago ... TMZ has learned.

Sources tell us shortly before Lindsay's birthday, July 2, Cliffside rehab facility got Dina on the phone -- so LiLo could have a conversation with her.

But we're told the person from the clinic who spoke to Dina believed she was hammered, and quickly nixed the idea of letting her speak to Lindsay.

Furthermore, we're told the rehab team felt it would be best for LiLo's treatment if she stopped talking to Dina altogether for the rest of her stay.

Good luck, Oprah.

Attempts to reach Dina were unsuccessful.


The best thing that could happen to Lindsay's recovery would be for this worthless pretender of a mother to choke on her own vomit. 

Cory Monteith's former co-star, Charice, speaks about his death

"Glee" star: Why I'll Miss Mr. Cool, Cory Monteith
By Charice, special to CNN

(CNN) -- Friendship is not defined by the length of time two people share together. One defining moment is all it takes for two individuals to call each other friends.

Cory Monteith's life, short as it was, taught me that lesson. His death, sudden as it was, taught me that lesson.

The defining moment of our friendship happened the third time I joined the cast of "Glee" for yet another memorable shooting experience as Sunshine Corazon. At the set, Cory was cool. Like his character Finn Hudson, Cory was so cool that everything seemed alright with him.

I was a tad emotional when the clock struck 12 midnight -- not because I was tired -- but because May 10 was my birthday. And I, a girl from the barrio of Gulod in the far-flung Philippines, was alone in America. I remember the last time I shot for "Glee," it was May 9, 2011. It was a long shooting day that swelled into the wee hours of the following morning.

My family was not there, my friends were not there, I didn't have my loved ones there to celebrate my birthday. It didn't help that we all still had a long way to go on that day at the set of "Glee."

But Cory came to the rescue, just in time, with his sweet greeting: "Happy birthday, Charice!" A big smile crossed his handsome face. There was sincerity in his tone as he gave me a tight hug. He became family to me at that moment.

In the remaining hours of our shoot, Cory told me he had Googled me and found my date of my birth. Cool Cory's act of kindness. He told other members of the "Glee" cast that it was my birthday and I was floored at how many of them greeted me with their warm birthday wishes.

My body felt cold when I learned about his death. Too soon, too early, too young. I never thanked Cory enough for that one moment in time when he made me feel like family. I never thanked him enough for making me happy on that lonely day.

Cory has many fans in the Philippines. In my silence, I mourn with so many of them.

Finn was big in my country because "Glee" was big among the many young people in the Philippines. The Filipino people love him because we are a musically-inclined nation and we know how to appreciate real talent. We know how to love real talent.

Many of my Filipino friends ask me what will happen to "Glee" now that Finn is gone. I have no answer to their query. But I lovingly ask them to pray for him -- for his peaceful passing.

I am confident he's singing with the angels now. I am more than confident that his suave style, his cool attitude about everything will endear him more to his new-found winged friends in the afterlife.

To his fans around the world who mourn his passing, I am with you. I know how it feels. Let's hold each other's hand. Let's remember Cory and continue to celebrate his music, his craft, his life. He will forever be in our hearts.

I wish I could also embrace Cory's loved ones -- his family and friends, his girlfriend Lea Michele. I will pray for all of you, too.

Thank you, Mr. Cool. My grateful heart will always miss you -- especially so on my birthday.

Thank you.


This is my first post, so I hope I did everything alright lol. I thought this was really sweet and wanted to share it.

bonnie mckee x "american girl"

Actor Dennis Farina, police officer turned star of “Law & Order,” has died at 69.


Dennis Farina -- who starred as Det. Joe Fontana on "Law & Order" -- died today in Scottsdale, Arizona after suffering a blood clot in his lung. He was 69.

Farina is a Hollywood legend -- who appeared in tons of classic films and TV shows including "Get Shorty,""Snatch" and "Midnight Run." He also appeared in HBO's series "Luck."

Farina -- who was born in Chicago in 1944 -- is survived by his 3 adult children from his marriage to Patricia Farina. They divorced in 1980. He also has two granddaughters and four grandsons.

Farina's rep says the actor is also survived by "the love of his life of 35 years, Marianne Cahill." The two were never married.

Before he became an actor, Farina was a cop with the Chicago Police Department from 1967 to 1985.

Story developing ...

Source: TMZ.

:"( Rest in peace.

New shirtless ♥♥♥Liam Hemsworth♥♥♥ stills from Paranoia

Was The Black & White Minstrel Show the most racist TV programme ever?


It’s become apparent over the past year or so that the world of television in the 1970s was a wretched hive of scum and villainy, with participants never more than fifty feet away from an indecent assault.

Okay, so I’m exaggerating. Probably.

But this is a good day to look elsewhere at another piece of ‘beyond the pale’ telly from that sometimes-grim decade.

That’s because it’s 35 years since The Black & White Minstrel Show was broadcast on BBC1 for the final time.

Now that four decades have past since it was in its prime, it’s fair to ask the question ‘was this the most racist show in the history of television?’

The answer is ‘almost certainly yes’.

It’s easy to rack up a list of racism-related charges against The Black & White Minstrel Show.

The cast comprised of a group of white singers performing in blackface, with white rings around their eyes and smile-enhancing white lips.

Many of the songs they performed on the show were calypsos or spirituals from the American deep south.

Also, in a further act of fraud, I’m pretty sure they all wore wigs as well.

When it comes to arguments in favour of it all… no, sorry, I’ve got nothing.

Looking back at it now, from an infinitely more enlightened position, it almost appears surreally offensive.

Performances that would be eye-spinningly controversial if they appeared from nowhere in 2013 are delivered with smiles and laughs, which only adds to the Minstrels’ bizarreness factor.

The show was wildly popular in its heyday, drawing in 18 million viewers on a Saturday night at its peak, figures that bosses of The X Factor can only dream of.

But its popularity wasn’t universal and eventually, a petition was launched by the Campaign For Racial Discrimination, calling for the BBC to remove The Black & White Minstrels from the schedules.

That was in 1967, and it only took the Beeb another 11 years to pay heed, with the final episode being broadcast on 21st July 1978.

Amazingly, that wasn’t the end of the story, and the Minstrels continued performing their weird, racist nonsense in theatres and, later, holiday camps until 1987.

Their legacy? Nothing really – except maybe for The League Of Gentleman’s Papa Lazarou.

Also residing in the 'Now banished from TV files...'

Back in 1982, Channel 4 thought it was a good idea to have schoolkids dress as grown ups and sing some of the popular hits of the day, adult lyrical content and all. Sound the Yewtree klaxon!

Heil Honey, I'm Home
Lasting just one episode, this sitcom featuring Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun living next door to Jewish neighbours was pulled following a not-unpredictable storm of outrage.

A Danish ‘chat show’ where assorted women silently undress as the male guests critique their bodies? This kind of thing would never be acceptable in 2013, would it?

No, wait, it WAS made in 2013. Mind-boggling.

legit can't imagine watching something like this on tv and it being accepted/the norm. 18 million viewers, and take into account the population of the UK at that time...

Watch: First Clip From 'Elysium' Plus New Pics, Posters & Featurettes


So, is "Elysium" the last blockbuster of the summer worth looking forward to? It's the certainly the only one left this writer kinda cares about in any real way, and though Neill Blomkamp tends to keep the curtain closed on his movies until the last moment. It looks like Sony is getting ready for the last push in hopes to ride out the summer on a high.

The first clip from "Elysium" has arrived and it's pretty nifty little taste at the comic side of the movie. In it we see Matt Damon's ex-con try and reason with a robot after a misunderstanding finds his parole getting extended once again. It's a pretty sardonic little scene, one that suggests this future world won't be without its bureaucratic absurdities. Meanwhile, the rush of Comic-Con over the weekend has seen a couple of Mondo posters, an official one sheet, and a handful of featurettes all worm their way online.

Check them all about below."Elysium" arrives on August 9th.

I'm personally going to avoid clips until the movie comes out (unless they involve Sharlto) but I love the Mondo posters, the official one not so much. This Social Network poster trend needs to end imo

Chris Brown’s Alleged New Single Cover Art Disses Rihanna


When Chris Brown first released his new remix of Mario’s "Somebody Else" on June 4, it appeared to paint a surprising image of what may have gone wrong in his relationship with Rihanna, 25. And if this new photo ends up being the cover art for the track, our suspicions may prove to be correct.

On the track, Chris, 24, coos, "I never saw the day coming / That you would ever wanna leave me / Baby, you told me no matter what / Your heart would always be for me."

It sounds like someone broke Chris’ heart. (If I could put a sad face emoticon here, I would.)

Could that be why this photo, posted by MediaTakeOut, has a big red X over Rihanna’s face? Of course, there’s no confirmation yet on whether or not the photo is the actual cover art for "Somebody Else Remix," so we won’t jump to any conclusions. But it does make you wonder.

The photo was originally posted on Instagram by Rihanna in February. It was taken during their romantic getaway to Hawaii for RiRi’s birthday.

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