Marvel Announces 'Avengers: Age of Ultron' As Its Sequel Title

Well, that was kind of anti-climactic. With Warner announcing an untitled Superman & Batman film for summer 2015 earlier today, fans at Comic-Con were hoping that Marvel Studios would try and top the rival studio with various possible announcements. After all, there's plenty of options, there's been an abundance of talk about Phase 3 films and Marvel has planned two dates for 2016 (May 6, July 8) and one for 2017 (May 5) without revealing what those films will be. But it wasn't meant to be if you were hoping to find out what they were. If you were expecting to receive announcements about "Dr. Strange" or "Black Panther" movies, or more casting about the "Avengers" sequel, it didn't happen.
The best fans got? Though they didn't seem to mind at all, was the title of "The Avengers" sequel that also revealed its villain: "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron" (you can obviously see the new logo above). Created by Roy Thomas and artist John Buscema, Ultron is a living automaton who, in the comics, is later revealed to be the creator of the Avengers character Vision (who seems poised to be joining the sequel and as probably played by Vin"can't keep any secrets" Diesel; an announcement involving Diesel is apparently coming at the end of this month). No other 'Avengers' details were released including what actors would play the the two new characters Quicksilver and his sister the Scarlett Witch.
If Twitter was any indication, fans were nevertheless wowed by footage of "Thor: The Dark World" (*spoiler,* *spoiler,* "Thor" gets his hand cut off by Loki at one point) and "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" (which sounds like it's trying to be an action film meets a '70s political thriller).
Footage of the space super hero movie "Guardians of the Galaxy" starring Chris Pratt, Zoe Saldana, Benicio Del Toro, and John C. Reilly was also unveiled and fans seemed to be deeply impressed with what sounds like Marvel's most comedic film to date. Little revelations learned from that film? Lee Pace will play Ronan The Accuser as rumored. Benicio Del Toro will play The Collector (as rumored) and Djimon Hounsou slipped up a bit and revealed that he is playing Korath, a disciple of the villain Thanoswho was teased at the end of "The Avengers."
Guardians Of the Galaxy" is still set for a August 1, 2014 release. "Avengers 2: Age of Ultron" lands in theaters May 1, 2015. No news from Edgar Wright's "Ant-Man" (due November 6, 2015) was unveiled. Three mystery Marvel release dates are still as follows below. Marvel also unveiled new logos and concept art which you can see below.

DC hew? ONTD Assemble!

Once Upon a Time cast Comic-Con interviews
Joseph Morgan & Phoebe Tonkin: 'The Originals' at Comic-Con!
Joseph Morgan and Phoebe Tonkinhit the press line for The Originals panel held during 2013 Comic-Con on Saturday afternoon (July 20) in San Diego, Calif.
The actors were joined by their co-stars Daniel Gillies, Claire Holt, and Charles Michael Davis.
During the panel, a new teaser video for the CW series was debuted.
“Thank you everyone for coming and saying hello today you are so supportive and beautiful I love you dearly!” Phoebe tweeted. “& thank you to Miss comic con 2013 @julieplec for creating this amazing opportunity for us & allowing me to be part of this world ❤ your guts”

See the rest of the pics @ the src.
Karen Gillan shaves her head for Guardians of the Galaxy

Karen Gillan shows off her new bald head in the Marvel Studios Press Line during 2013 Comic-Con on Saturday evening (July 20) in San Diego, Calif.
The 25-year-old actress revealed her bald head during the panel for Guardians Of the Galaxy, where she plays villain Nebula.
“It’s liberating. I think everyone here should shave their heads,” Karen shared on the panel.
Just the day before, Karen was spotted wearing a red wig around the annual event, stopping by the WIRED Cafe and the Nintendo Oasis on the TV Guide Magazine Yacht.

Source with a few more pics.
Levine Designing His Kmart Line -“That’s fucking awesome,” says Levine, pointing to a pair of pants
Here’s a video of Adam Levine meeting with the Kmart design team.
The clothing line he designed in coordination with the retailer is imminent. This preview consists of Levine pointing to different jeans lying on a table and saying things like, “A little more faded looking or something,” and “I might not be a fan of myself.” Oh, him too? Here’s to his line including at least a third of the neon that Nicki Minaj’s Kmart line did.
The clothing line he designed in coordination with the retailer is imminent. This preview consists of Levine pointing to different jeans lying on a table and saying things like, “A little more faded looking or something,” and “I might not be a fan of myself.” Oh, him too? Here’s to his line including at least a third of the neon that Nicki Minaj’s Kmart line did.
"HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON 2" Wows 2013 San Diego Comic-Con

Thursday's DreamWorks Animation Comic-Con panel touting
Harington, in fact, joined DeBlois on stage with fellow DreamWorks directors David Soren (Turbo) and Rob Minkoff (Mr. Peabody & Sherman) and chief creative officer Bill Damaschke. He proclaimed that voice work is very liberating even though he initially had trouble finding the right voice, going from a Scandinavian accent to a more heightened Cockney like his own.
The first clip was an expansion of the high-flying teaser (actually the second scene in the movie), which reintroduces Hiccup (Jay Baruchel) as a nerdy, adventurous teenager in the mold of Luke Skywalker (complete with Viking leather gear), enjoying the ride of his life atop his dragon pal, Toothless. Only Hiccup comes crashing down to earth and discovers a new region and a dangerous threat. In fact, DeBlois admitted the importance of The Empire Strikes Back as a pivotal inspiration for this second in a trilogy that concludes in 2016.
The second clip introduces a mysterious and exotically dressed dragon rider, who kidnaps Hiccup, sending Toothless crashing into the water and screaming for his friend, and concluding with Hiccup's mask floating to the surface.
The crowd of 1,000 cheered and DeBlois humbly suggested that his desire is to make good on his ambition to revisit the wonderful movies of his youth and to achieve a sense of dramatic richness in animation. He only took on the sequel with the promise of turning it into a trilogy, enlarging the scope of the world (this one reaches into the Arctic) and taking Hiccup through a rigorous rite of passage into manhood with his dragon companion.
"It dials up the stakes but we're very careful to balance with fun," DeBlois emphasized.
From the little I've seen and from what I've gleaned from DeBlois, I believe Dragon 2 has the potential to be the best DreamWorks movie yet. It's certainly the most emotionally and dramatically ambitious.
Meanwhile, Soren showed the crucial moment in which the garden snail (voiced by Ryan Reynolds) demonstrates his turbo power in his first race; and Minkoff screened the thrilling, Raiders-like opening of Peabody in which Jay Ward's genius dog crosses swords with Robespierre during the French Revolution and escapes through the sewer with his adopted human son. The crowd applauded and the scene looked very colorful. Minkoff then admitted that he is now the father of a 10-month-old son and that the movie has special meaning with the bonding of father and son.
Well, Pixar. Consider your wig snatched when HTTYD2 flies in to slay all the animation feels of ONTD.

Are you excited for HTTYD2, ONTD?
P.S. This post is also dedicated to DreamWorks stan,

Dianna Agron & Jenna Ushkowitz Tear Up During Chord Overstreet Tribute To Cory Monteith

While performing at the Roxy Theater in West Hollywood on Saturday afternoon, Glee’s Chord Overstreet dedicated a song to his pal Cory Monteith — exactly a week after his death. RumorFix was there.
The song brought Dianna Agron and Jenna Ushkowitz — who were in the audience — to tears.
Chord said, “I wasn’t going to play this but.. Argh. I recently have been going through a lot of stuff with a losing really, really dear friend of mine, so I want to play this song for him. This is for you Cory.”
Glee’s Kevin McHale and Samuel Larsen were also in the audience along with Rock of Ages’ Julianne Hough.
The VIP section was filled with several Glee cast and crew members who appeared happy to see each other — many of them gave each other long hugs.
Glee’s co-creator told Deadline that Glee is planning a memorial for the cast and crew on the Paramount lot.
Chord Overstreet is greeted backstage by his Glee co-stars Kevin McHale, Dianna Agron, and Jenna Ushkowitz following his concert at The Roxy on Saturday afternoon (July 20) in Los Angeles.
The 24-year-old actor performed a slew of songs, including “Billionaire,” which he dedicated to his late friend and co-star Cory Monteith.
“I sang this with Kevin McHale and Cory Monteith. I love you buddy,” Chord said.
Backstage after the show there was lots of long hugs and words of encouragement shares between the Glee kids. They told JustJared.com that they voted Kevin the MVP fan of the day because he had the crowd echoing the lyrics to Chord’s upbeat songs!
More pics @
Abuse: Digg founder hurls raccoon

Don’t know about you, but Digg founder and current rainmaker at Google’s venture capital arm Kevin Rose had a pretty interesting Friday night.
“At 1:00am I hard my dog Toaster crying and yelping in pain,” his video says. “I discovered a raccoon attacking him. I do not encourage animal violence. I wanted to get the wild animal as far away from us as possible.”
So he stormed the raccoon, managed to grab it and launch it overhead. And the whole thing was captured on his security camera. Hopefully Rose and his dog both came out of the ordeal without rabies. Watch below for a serious show of guts and a perfectly executed raccoon trajectory.
Lee Pace At San Diego Comic Con
Robert Pattinson meets Beyonce with the Death Grips
There were stories out there that Robert Pattinson was turned away from meeting Beyonce because he was "drunk." This photo shows that's obviously not true.
The false story
Robert Pattinson was turned away from meeting Beyonce Knowles.
The Twilight Saga hunk and four friends watched Beyonce perform in Los Angeles last week but after the group tried to chat to her backstage, they were sent away because they didn't have the correct credentials.
A source told In Touch magazine: "He was at the concert with four dudes, smoking, but in a great mood. He was trying to get into the Beyoncé meet and greet, but he didn't have the right credentials and he didn't make it in!
"His friends tried to sneak into the meet and greet! After they weren't allowed in, [Rob] waited for 10 minutes at the door and security said no."
Robert, 27, was not the only star at Beyonce's show at the Staples Centre. Other celebrities in attendance included Seth Rogen and Glee stars Lea Michele, Naya Rivera and Chris Colfer, as well as Brittany Snow, Derek Hough, Karina Smirnoff, Tiffani Thiessen, Jason Alexander, Tyler Hoechlin and Bella Thorne.
Source / Article Source
'True Blood' Actor Todd Lowe Speaks About Last Night's Episode

Note: Do not read on if you have not yet seen Season 6, Episode 6 of HBO's "True Blood," "Don't You Feel Me?"
Death is no stranger to Bon Temps, the town on HBO's "True Blood," but on Sunday, one of the residents and employees of Merlotte's, Terry Bellefleur (Todd Lowe), met his maker.
Terry hired a hitman (Gideon Emery) on himself after he continued to struggle with killing his former buddy Patrick (Scott Foley). Holly (Lauren Bowles) and Arlene (Carrie Preston) conspired to glamor Terry to make him forget that he wanted to die, but they didn't know they had to glamor the sniper, too and unfortunately, they didn't find out fast enough.
Lowe said he's still struggling to say goodbye to Terry and "True Blood." "I really grew to love the character and it's hard to say goodbye to something like that," he told TV Guide. "I carry a part of it with me. I'm also looking forward to moving on and playing something else. I just have to be picky and find the right project."
Lowe said he hoped the happiness scenes came off as bittersweet. "That was the intention. When we read it at the table read, everybody got chills and emotional," he told TV Guide.
When Lowe learned his character was going to die, he had an idea about how he wanted it to go down. "[Showrunner] Brian Buckner took me out for a drink and said, 'Look, listen, this is how we're going to do it. It has nothing to do with your performance or anything. We just feel like there's a lot of people on this show, and no one ever really truly dies, and we feel that with killing Terry, he has a lot of sympathy, so I think we can get a lot of dramatic and emotional mileage out of it,'" Lowe told The Hollywood Reporter. "I said, 'OK, write me an aria if you can -- a big scene.' And he did. It's a nice way to go out, very poignant."
*TB SPOILER*Last nite's episode was the hardest one I've ever had to film. Even at the read-thru, so many tears over losing our @Todd__Lowe
— Carrie Preston (@Carrie_Preston) July 22, 2013
With Terry gone, that leaves Arlene alone. Lowe told TV Guide that the character made sure Arlene was taken care of financially. "She met the guy [who kills Terry] in the last episode, but she didn't know the nature of it," he said. "She will seek vengeance. She's going to try to figure it out. We leave it as a little bit of a mystery as to why she can't seek vengeance. I think that will be justified."
Porn is back on Tumblr, yall
You can have our digital lands, but you can never take our porn. Or our freedom. Mainly, porn.
Much has been written about how Tumblr delivers and processes adult content. This includes, finally, a somewhat-explanation from Tumblr itself following numerous reports that the service was allegedly making it more difficult for users to find naughty content — up to and including blocking search engines from listing adult Tumblr blogs.
"All, we've heard from a bunch of you who are concerned about Tumblr censoring NSFW/adult content. While there seems to be a lot of misinformation flying around, most of the confusion seems to stem from our complicated flagging/filtering features," begins a blog post byTumblr founder and CEO David Karp.
Karp goes on to offer up an explanation for the three major misconceptions surrounding Tumblr's policy toward naughty content. First up, there's the issue of Tumblr's "Safe Mode" – a setting that, when checked, filters out naughty content on Tumblr that's been tagged as being not-safe-for-work (NSFW). Disabling this mode – you risky browser, you – was apparently not allowing some of these risqué blogs to appear within search results, a bug that Karp claims has been fixed.
"The reason you see innocent tags like #gay being blocked on certain platforms is that they are still frequently returning adult content which our entire app was close to being banned for. The solution is more intelligent filtering which our team is working diligently on. We'll get there soon. In the meantime, you can browse #lgbtq — which is moderated by our community editors — in all of Tumblr's mobile apps. You can also see unfiltered search results on tumblr.com using your mobile web browser," Karp writes.
And finally, the elephant in the room – blogs that have been previously stricken from Tumblr's internal search and blocked from being indexed by third-party search engines. Some of the confusion stemmed from users' blogs being categorized as NSFW or adult, the difference often being the amount of naughty content on a Tumblr itself (occasional posts versus a Tumblr blog entirely dedicated to pornography, for example). While blogs tagged as "NSFW" could be found within Tumblr searches and third-party search engines, blogs tagged as "Adult" could not.
"Earlier this year, in an effort to discourage some not-so-nice people from using Tumblr as free hosting for spammy commercial porn sites, we started delisting this tiny subset of blogs from search engines like Google. This was never intended to be an opt-in flag, but for some reason could be enabled after checking off NSFW -> Adult in your blog settings," Karp writes.
Tumblr is now removing the "Adult" flag as an option or criteria. Tumblr blogs with naughty content can now self-identify (or be tagged) as simply "NSFW," and their contents won't be blocked from third-party search engines.
Confused? It's understandable if you are, especially since Karp himself appeared on The Colbert Report this week and famously stated that adult content on the service is "just not something we want to police."
Not anymore, at least.
Tan Mom OUT of rehab! Celebrates w/ a trip to the beach looking healthy & glowing!

She is on the road to recovery after leaving rehab, where she was treated for alcohol abuse.
But Tanning Mom appears to still have something of an addiction to, er, tanning.
The controversial celebrity, whose real name is Patricia Krentcil, celebrated life after rehab on Friday with a trip to the beach in Malibu.

Celebrating her recovery: Tanning Mom Patricia Krentcil hit the beach in Malibu on Friday after leaving rehab
The 45-year-old was spotted roasting herself as she lay on the sand on a towel and later took a dip in the ocean.
Patricia was dressed in a metallic pink swimsuit that was without a doubt too young for her and featured a low-cut and cut-out sides.
Tan Mom, who wore a cross pendant around her neck, wasn't afraid of getting her platinum blonde locks wet, although she later tied them into a ponytail.
The star had arrived at the beach in a pink T-shirt and tiny white shorts, while carrying her silver sandals and white handbag in one hand.

Defying her years: The 45-year-old went for a too-youthful look in a metallic pink cutaway swimsuit
In the other hand Patricia toted a large beverage from Starbucks as she got her caffeine fix while strolling across the sand to find the perfect spot for a tanning session.
She appears to be in good health after her stint in a Florida rehab, which was interrupted by a trip to hospital when she suffered a seizure earlier this month, which was believed to be a reaction to detoxing.
According to TMZ it was feared the New Jersey native would be in the Palm Beach hospital for up to a week, but doctors allowed her to leave after five hours of medical supervision.
Krentcil entered the Lukens Institute, which is endorsed by Lindsay Lohan's father Michael, for a 30 day stint after being found drunk at Minneapolis St Paul Airport and being apprehended between flights by airport police.

Woman on a mission: The controversial star strode through the sand to pick the perfect roasting spot
She was placed in an airport detox for 30 hours but decided she needed more long term support. Tanning Mom shot to infamy after her addiction to sunbeds when she was accused of taking her five-year-old daughter Anna into a tanning booth. She faced child endangerment charges after school officials noticed burns on her daughter's legs which Patricia claimed came from sunburn when her child played outdoors. While she escaped the charges, her overly tanned appearance made her an overnight sensation.

Miley Compares Her Video Being Censored To Zimmerman Verdict, Admits To Singing About Molly

Miley Cyrus is growing up and she's not pleased with others' attempts to censor her in any way.
The singer sparked controversy in June when she released "We Can't Stop" -- a sexy dance anthem, rife with drug references. Though the song's producer first claimed the lyric was "dancing with Miley," not "dancing with molly" -- which is a slang term for MDMA -- Cyrus has set the record straight. And yes, the former Disney darling is singing about rolling.
"It depends who's doing what. If you're aged ten [the lyric is] Miley, if you know what I'm talking about then you know. I just wanted it to be played on the radio and they've already had to edit it so much," the 20-year-old singer told the Daily Mail revealing interview. "I don't think people have a hard time understanding that I've grown up. You can Google me and you know what I'm up to -- you know what that lyric is saying."
Cyrus also opened up about the racy video for "We Can't Stop," which she complained was heavily edited by MTV UK. When asked by the paper what she would say to those who believe her video is too provocative, she quickly responds by referencing the Trayvon Martin case:
"Then I'll give you an edit. I just think the world is so lame because you can shoot people in a movie and you can let people like [George] Zimmerman off on trial but you can't have someone going like this [she stimulates oral sex gesture], that is so dumb to me," Cyrus explained. "The world is such a f--ked up place the last thing people need to worry about is my cute little video for 'We Can't Stop,' you know what I mean?"
There you have it, Miley Cyrus has has spoken.
After playing the controversial video for her new single– which sees the blonde star gyrating a lot, simulating oral sex and partying hard – she admitted she wasn’t concerned about alienating her younger fans.
‘I wasn’t really worried about it because I feel that time was something that I had to do what everyone has to do – work at something that you don’t necessarily love to get to be able to do what you do love,’ she admitted.
Continuing she said: ‘I would say everyone has to start from the bottom, to get where they want to go and work on things they don’t really care about doing.
‘So I had to do that for five years. I had to work on something that wasn’t really a passion for me just because I wanted to be able to get here, so when I was older I’d be able to just do what I want and not have to work for money.'
‘People need to also remember that Britney when she did Slave or anything it was just a different time so it was less real because Can’t Stop I wanted it to be kind of gritty, like everything is about Instagram, about things going viral and I wanted to celebrate that.
‘But Britney or Madonna never played it safe, none of the best pop artists ever did. I feel like I live in a different world, I live in LA, I see everything.'
Hannibal NERDHQ
Skip to ~9 minutes in for panel to begin. A very good panel where they talked a lot about the show and also gave away quite a few things including signed scripts, photos taken by David Slade, T-shirts, and 'Eat the Rude' Aprons. I can be seen winning my particular prize at ~58 minute mark.

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZ6pEDo3tQY (Photos are my own, video found on youtube)
Being Human (US) at Comic Con

Meaghan Rath (Sally)
Sam Huntington (Josh)
Sam Witwer (Aidan)
Kristen Hager (Nora)
Anna Fricke (Executive Producer)
Season 4 Highlights
- Season 4 Theme is destiny: "Everything happens for a reason"
- Season 4 starts off 3 months after the end of season 3
- Sally has absorbed Donna's powers and has become very powerful
- Josh is stuck in permanent wolf form. He only turns back into a human 1 night
a month, during the full moon. Him and Nora only have about a half hour both as
humans to be together.
- We will find out in episode one who the woman who looks exactly like Aidan's
wife Suzanna is (if she's actually his wife or just someone who looks exactly like
her), she will be a big part of season 4
- Aidan is still with Kat
- Aidan will finally cement himself on one side or the other of the vampire
- The Kenny story line will continue (YAY)
- Faces we never thought we would see again will reappear (crossing my
fingers for Henry)
- Mark Pellegrino will definitely be back
Oh and this happened:

1 | 2 | 3
mods: I added sources for all the pictures/changed to make sure they weren't hotlinked. The source of the text is me. I compiled it all from watching the videos myself. Thanks!
Unfortunately no one has uploaded the full panel. I heard it was hilarious,
which isn't surprising given how this cast usually interacts and how amazingly
close they are. UGH, WHY CAN'T IT BE SEASON 4 ALREADY!?
A Far Superior Clueless Casting Post
In response to Nylon's casting the (hypothetical) Clueless remake
![cast cast]()
Now before anyone starts freaking out, there is no plan for a remake of 1995′s Clueless (as far as I know) but Nylon recently fancast a Clueless remake in celebration of the film’s 18th anniversary. Since that list was completely terrible I decided to come up with my own list of who I think should be in a (completely hypothetical) Clueless remake.
![cher cher]()
![elton elton]()
and the rest at the source
Before anyone panics, please remember that there is no planned remake of Clueless and this is all hypothetical and pointless.

Now before anyone starts freaking out, there is no plan for a remake of 1995′s Clueless (as far as I know) but Nylon recently fancast a Clueless remake in celebration of the film’s 18th anniversary. Since that list was completely terrible I decided to come up with my own list of who I think should be in a (completely hypothetical) Clueless remake.

Ashley Benson as Cher
Cher is the bubbly and materialistic yet goodhearted lead of the movie and her role (based on Jane Austen’s Emma) has made Alicia Silverstone iconic. Ashley Benson (Pretty Little Liars) would be perfect to play the blonde popular girl who spends her time trying to set up her friends.
Skylar Astin as Josh
Josh is Cher’s college freshman ex-stepbrother who resents her materialstic high school ways but ends up falling for her good heart. Astin (Pitch Perfect) has the handsome looks and laid-back personality that would mirror Paul Rudd’s in this memorable role.
Kylie Bunbury as Dionne
Dionne is Cher’s rich and popular best friend whose antics with her boyfriend Murray provide some of the funniest parts of the films. Bunbury (Twisted) is quickly rising in popularity and has the spunk and sass to pull off this role.
Charlotte Arnold as Amber
Amber is Cher’s frenemy: a member of the popular crowd that always manages to get under Cher’s skin. Arnold’s role as Queen Bee Holly J on Degrassi makes me think she could be Amber to a tee.

Luke Pasqualino as Elton
Elton is the the most popular guy in school and despite Tai’s initial crush on him, he only has eyes for Cher. Like Elton, Pasqualino (Skins) is definitely a heartbreaker.
and the rest at the source
Before anyone panics, please remember that there is no planned remake of Clueless and this is all hypothetical and pointless.
Clementine CONFIRMED to be in Walking Dead Season 2

Clementine will return in the second season of TellTale Games’ The Walking Dead, along with other characters whose fates remain mysterious. Slight spoilers for the first season follow.
During a panel at San Diego Comic Con, as reported by IGN, TellTale confirmed Clementine “will definitely be a part of” the next season. A teaser image was shown which reportedly had Clementine in it, sitting next to an unknown child.
The panel also said that Kenny’s ultimate fate “will be explored”.
GameInformer was also at the panel, and reports TellTale president Kevin Bruner told attendees that the second season will import choices form the first season and 400 Days DLC, despite the fact that the latter seems to be a standalone storyline.
Series creator Robert Kirkman was on the panel, and said he is just as cut about the death of characters as his fans. He’s working with TellTale to figure out if comic character cameos make sense in the second season.
The developer also had a little to share about the first season. Apparently, telltale considered adding an extra dialogue choice during the final conversation between Lee and Clementine at the series’s conclusion – “I love you” – but dropped it due to concerns it distracted from the other choices. Probably true – I certainly wouldn’t have been able to click anything else.
The second season of The Walking Dead is expected to kick off in northern autumn, with a near-simultaneous release on all platforms. The first season is available on iOS, Mac, PC, PlayStation 3, Vita and Xbox 360.