Two weeks ago, all of our lives were forever changed when we learned, via
explosive tabloid photos, that Kristen Stewart is a giant whore. Psych! She's a normal 22-year-old making many of the same mistakes that we made, except under the scrutiny of a paparazzo's telephoto lens. Who cares? Well, millions of people apparently, and most of them are siding with Robert Pattinson, whose heart was supposedly broken by that harlot. However: RPatz has been linked with a
number of women during his three-year relationship with Stewart. But nobody's calling
him a slut or a "trampire."
We received a tip — if you want to call it that, it was more like a novella — from someone who claims to have insider knowledge of the many times that Pattinson has stepped out on Stewart. We can't verify if this person is actually a Hollywood insider, but at the very least, he or she is incredibly well-versed in the minute details of the actors' lives and shooting schedules. If nothing else, this person is very invested in Stewart and Pattinson's relationship, and worried about Stewart's recent nosedive in popularity. The blockquotes below are all taken verbatim from this one email.
In the email, the tipster went off on a rant — including photos to back up some claims — about how Pattinson has managed to be linked with so many women but not receive the kind of backlash that Stewart has. Perhaps Pattinson is just a better cheater. (There are no photos, that we know of, in which he is day-Frenching someone all over L.A.) Or maybe all of this is just bullshit. But we did manage to pull up some circumstantial evidence to back up some of these assertions. If any of this is true, it is the Watergate of vampires.
Let's start with a blind item from
Crazy Days and Nights:
Lets talk about the cheating this B+ movie actor has done on his B= list actress girlfriend over the past few years. It only seems fair. Lots you will know, but many you won't. The list numbers about 10. The most salacious to me was the marriage he broke up. She used to be a B+ television actress on a very hit show. She got married and had some problems. She got back together with her husband then auditioned for a movie with our actor. The chemistry was instant. By the time they started filming her marriage was over and our actor and actress were in bed everyday. One time they were joined by one of his other long time female co-stars.
There were always the flings with his co-stars. That happened before during and after. There was the European burlesque dancer. Oh, and a couple of models. There is the night he got drunk and made the ultimate mistake and slept with someone who should not be slept with unless you have a quadruple strength latex bodysuit. She has actually started getting work again. There was the C list Australian actress and the reality star from VH-1. Oh, there was the co-star of the actress that had her marriage broken because of him. That was an interesting one. There was the daughter of one of the director's of a movie he starred in. He told her he wanted to be with her forever, but didn't really mean it. He just wanted to sleep with her. There are a few more, but no one would know who they are.
It all becomes very clear who this is about after reading our tipster's scoop. We've broken down Pattinson's alleged infidelities by person.
Megan Fox
[Rob] hooked up with Megan Fox AFTER the Twilight premiere in Tokyo when he first got together with Kristen. Megan admitted much herself by mocking a young Hollywood actor had tried to woo her by inviting her to fly with him on a Wal-mart private jet. He did promo for Wal-mart at the start of New Moon filming in Arkansas and they flew him down from Vancouver on their private yet. That was Rob and there were rumors of them out at bars together and staying at the Palisades Hotel together during this time as well.
Well, there were rumors floating around that Fox and Pattinson hooked up in early 2009. And Pattinson did, indeed, do some promotional work for Walmart in March 2009.
And here's a video of Megan Fox talking about being offered a Walmart jet by a guy trying to pick her up. (not embedding, watch at source)
Nikki Reed
[Rob] was sleeping with Nikki Reed all throughout Twilight filming while trying to get with Kristen and split her up from her then boyfriend of 3 years, Michael Angarano. He was still sleeping with her at the start of New Moon filming as well with her being spotted leaving his hotel, the Sheraton Wall Centre, by local paparazzi @punkdimages frequently after she'd been up there for hours with him.
Well, their fling has become part of the tapestry of the Twilight Saga saga. They were spotted by the paparazzo that the tipster mentioned, but they didn't look to be doing anything wrong. Although this photo where she's grabbing his junk? Hmm.
Ashley Greene
Rob was pictured leaving the New Moon set late at night alone in the back seat of the same care with Ashley in Vancouver as well in Montepulciano, Italy while they were filming in both locations-no Kristen in sight. He's continued his affair with Ashley for several years, with them supposedly hooking up most recently again during the Breaking Dawn 1 international promo tour. They were overheard having "loud, wild sex" in their hotel suite in Paris and the staff was notified. Rob was interviewed the next day in Berlin with the reporter saying how tired he seemed and saying he wouldn't comment as to why. Supposedly Ashley called Pattinson's cell recently for another hookup because she couldn't wait until promos began again for another hookup but Kristen answered the phone instead. Ashley hung up, Kristen recognizing the # called her back telling her to stay away from Rob or she would tell the media about Ashley's little venereal problem (herpes). When they had to fly back up to Vancouver in May 2012 for some additional reshoots, Ashley changed her flight at the last minute so she wouldn't have to be on the same plane as Kristen. Gee I wonder why? There have been a number of other smaller cheating scandals he's been involved in over the years too. During Breaking Dawn filming in fall/winter 2010 he was said to still be seeing Ashley on the side again while filming in Baton Rouge like he'd done during the past 3 movies.
There is evidence corroborating private time that Greene and Pattinson spent in Europe. In May, a few months before Stewart's cheating scandal broke, an old blind item at CDAN was revealed as being about Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Ashley Greene:
It has been an interesting few weeks for this celebrity couple. The couple, part of a huge franchise and consisting of a B+/A- movie actor andmovie actreess have always managed to give the impression they are a couple, when in reality they are not. It has never been that big of an issue until lately. With the exception of some flings our actor had on set with some of his co-stars, he has managed to keep everything he has done on the side on the down low. The actress has always loved the friendship and relationship the two have had although it has been entirely asexual. She does not really have feelings for anyone, whether it be male or female in a sexual way and has loved being part of a relationship without actually being in a relationship. Make sense? Well, although it works for her, it has not always worked for the actor. He would love to play the field and take advantage of all the women who want to be with him. Not in a Gerard Butler kind of way, but at least have some fun. Most of the time his drinking keeps him from getting too interested as that is by far his first love. Unbeknownst to the actress though, the actor has maintained a steady group of two or three other women who he spends time with which satisfies his needs. If the actress were to find out about them or if the relationships would be made public then she would be forced to answer questions about this long time relationship and move on which is something she is loathe to do. She likes being insulated. The problem is the actor has been seeing someone more frequently who is growing impatient and wants to be seen with our actor in public. She wants a real relationship and not just one consisting of random hotel rooms and hookups at his place when the actress is out of town. It got so bad that in the past two weeks, the woman actually showed up on the set where our actor was filming and he had to pass off the woman as an obssessed fan which our actress did not entirely believe. Also, a former lover of the actor who also happens to be a co-star got drunk with the couple and began revealing details of the relationship she had with the actor and did so loudly. She also saw the "obsessed fan," and said, "That looks exactly like the girl you showed me last year who you said was just your type and you were going to try and meet her." Although our couple headed back home together, apparently neither of them have stayed there together since the fateful time on set.
Erika Dutra
He hooked up with that Erika Dutra chick in Cannes in May 2009—the pics of them together with his arm around her were published by Star magazine.
Camilla Belle & Emillie de Ravin
This one is perhaps the juiciest, as it involves a threesome, bisexuality, and a broken marriage:
While filming Remember Me in New York City, Camilla Belle who he'd been hooking up with in LA the previous fall visited him there and they went out drinking with his co-star Emilie de Ravin, who had just announced she was separated from her husband at the time coincidentally. The rumor going around from people in the cast/crew out with them was that Rob went back to his hotel with both girls and had a three-way that night (Camilla is rumored to be bi-sexual). There was also constant tabloid coverage of his dalliances with Emilie on set through the remainder of filming that summer so it wasn't just a one-time occurrence.
Well, they all did go out to dinner. And Belle has been rumored to be bi. And Pattinson was actually not very secretive about his relationship with de Ravin.
The Cupcake Girl
There was also this pastry chef from Deliciously Yours Cakes named Sarah who served cupcakes at a private event he'd attended that fall in Vancouver. He'd gotten her number and called her at 3am telling her that "her cupcakes were beautiful" trying to hook up with her. She was married with a child though so I don't think anything actually came of that. She blogged about the bizarre phone call a few days later though on their website.
This is all true, according to Sarah, who did, indeed blog about it. Who calls a stranger at 2:30 in the morning unless you want to have sex? Does it count as cheating if you try to cheat but get denied?
The Burlesque Dancer
After Bel Ami wrapped and [Rob] was to report to Vancouver for Eclipse reshoots in May, he arrived 3 days late because he'd been partying in London with a burlesque dancer named Caroline Jones he'd met in a club and her friends at a rooftop party in Camden. She tweeted about hanging out with him and said it was no one's business and that she was a "contemporary sexual thinker." Others in attendance gave accounts of about how girls were all over him at this party and how he looked definitely "not gay" with the ladies. He and Kristen got into a huge fight in front of crew during Eclipse reshoots over him showing up late because he was partying and sleeping around in London. Kristen screamed at him saying his behavior was unprofessional and embarrassing to her. Rob stormed off and they both had to be coerced back onto set to finish reshoots.
I could find no info online for a burlesque dancer named Caroline Jones except for this same crazy story that appears in the comments section of nearly every gossip blog, from HuffPo to GossipCop. The fight about the burlesque club was reported in the New York Post, though.
Lindsay Lohan
Ugh. Could he be that stupid? According to our tipster, yes:
That summer he was filming Water for Elephants in LA he was spotted leaving Las Palmas holding hands with Lindsay Lohan and hanging out a lot with she and her gay best friend and designer (sometimes coke dealer) Markus Molinari.
I don't know if I believe that they hooked up. I think, at worst, maybe they shared a common interest in booger sugar. They were also spotted barhopping together this past April. And Pattinson is definitely chummy with Katy Perry's best friend (and again, rumored coke dealer) Markus Molinari. There was even a blind item about Pattinson, Perry, and Molinari in November 2010:
I don't know if you will ever get the first person in this blind, but he is a celebrity. He is a gay actor/singer/and bff of one of the biggest A list female singers in the world right now. Anyway, a few years ago our celebrity was involved in a relationship with this A list movie actor. Not just a fling, but a real relationship. Not living together, but it was still a relationship. Anyway, it ended a few years ago after our A list actor went from mainly (with one exception) obscure small roles to international stardom. Our celebrity says there was so much pressure on the relationship from so many different people and agents and managers it just could not survive.
The VH1 Reality Star
When Kristen had left for Montreal at the end of July to begin filming On the Road, [Rob] was photographed that very same Sunday afternoon sitting poolside at the Thompson hotel with a bartender from the VH1 Saddleranch television mini-series named Nancee Bingenheimer crawling all over this lap. She was a groupie of his friend Sam Bradley's band who was in town on their US tour and playing shows in LA that week. His personal trainer at the time Harley Pasternak was sitting next to them and Rob had his blue gym bag with him showing he must've been go to/from working out. He was also wearing the same baggy khaki pants he'd worn to the MTV movie awards that he'd attended a few weeks prior with Kristen and the same tan henley style shirt he'd worn in a photoshoot a few weeks prior.
![Hollywood Insider Alleges Robert Pattinson Can't Keep It In His Pants, Constantly Cheated on KStew Hollywood Insider Alleges Robert Pattinson Can't Keep It In His Pants, Constantly Cheated on KStew]()
Our tipster actually provided photos of this incident, although they're taken from so far away that it's impossible to make a positive ID on these people.
Bob Saget & John Stamos
This is my personal favorite. It has nothing to do with cheating at all, but I just like that Pattinson was actually hanging out with Uncle Jesse and Danny Tanner.
There were also rumors that he was going to a lot of coke parties in Malibu and was seen hanging out with known coke users John Stamos and Bob Saget often that summer at parties and attending UFC fights with them too.
Caitlin Cronenberg
That summer in Toronto [Rob] was hooking up with his Cosmopolis director David Cronenberg's youngest daughter and set photographer Caitlin Cronenberg during filming, hitting lots of late night hot spots and parties, "spreading their DNA all over the city together" according to her friends blogging online about their trysts at the time. Kristen didn't visit him nearly at all for the entire 2 months he was filming there. Word was that he asked her not to come because it would be a "distraction" for him while he was trying to get into character. She did visit once briefly in early July a few weeks before filming wrapped but Rob did not take her out to any of the Toronto bars or clubs that he had been frequenting with Caitlin, and they didn't hang out with any of the other cast or crew while she was in town either-obviously having something to hide from her. Caitlin was supposed to be interviewing him for a photograph book she'd been compiling on famous celebrity breakups and featuring him in it, as he was said to have told her he was leaving Kristen in order to keep seeing Caitlin after the movie had wrapped. The news of this affair got some tabloid coverage which pretty much killed any chance of that happening though. Rob's co-star on that film Sarah Gadon WAS however featured in her book, having become very close friends with Caitlin and her family. Sarah and Caitlin both snubbed Rob at Cannes this year while they were there premiering the film not hanging out with him at all while or trusting him any longer for the lies he told and the promises he made that he never intended to keep. Kristen was also in Cannes premiering her own film On the Road and they were staying together and attending each others screenings, after parties, etc. This could be why Caitlin stayed away from Rob—because the inconvenient girlfriend was underfoot again.
While I couldn't find any evidence of Cronenberg's friends "blogging" about the couple, this alleged affair was actually widely reported. However, GossipCop was really invested in disproving it.
Shea Marie
Kristen left for London to begin filming Snow White and the Huntsman in late July while Rob stayed in LA not working but opting to party and hit up the bars nearly every night instead, typically seen in the company of other females. He only visited London once briefly last September for a his friend Tom Sturridge's sister Matilda's baby christening and ignored Kristen the remainder of the time she was working abroad even though she was in his hometown—he didn't stick around nearly at all. Rumor was he didn't even want to go in the first place but Summit made him make the trip to see her. Once back in LA he resumed picking bar skanks with several tweeting and posting online about their late-night encounters with him. One particular blonde model named Shea Marie said she shared "Jameson and Gingers" with him at the bar all night at Jimmy Fallon's Emmy after-party and went back to his house to hang out afterward tweeting the next morning how exhausted she was and how it had been a crazy night of partying.
I included this one, not for its veracity but to demonstrate how obsessive our tipster has been in time-lining Pattinson's whereabouts for the past few years. They knew about his friend's sister's baby's christening!? What!? For whatever it's worth, Shea Marie—who is some kind of fashion blogger, party goer, LA type—did Tweet about hanging with Pattinson, although the details were not at all lurid.
Sarah Roemer
Less than a week later after he'd returned to LA he was spotted out with blonde actress Sarah Roemer and friends at Los Feliz hotspot La Poubelle before being photographed crawling into the backseat of their friend's car with her and his hand resting on her thigh. They proceeded to Soho House where they hung out and had drinks the remainder of the night. Reports were that he then left alone with her driving to go back to his house together. There was coverage in the gossip mags about this event because there were actual paparazzi pics of them together to back up the rumors this time. However he was never actually caught kissing her or anything too scandalous so they played up the "just friends" excuse saying their night out was completely platonic only.
They definitely hung out late at night. Although, they were supposedly having a business meeting. Who has a business meeting at 2 AM in a night club? I guess the kind of people who get hospitalized for exhaustion.
Some RandomThis LA blogger, Jenn Hofmann, saw Rob out at the Bar Marmont at the Chateau Marmont in LA in Janurary. Jenn updated the story on July 26th after this scandal broke, clarifying that the real reason she was kicked out of the bar was because Rob was there getting cozy with another woman and she was tweeting about it.
In April 2011, the LA Weekly ran a story about how Jenn Hoffman was banned from Chateau Marmont after talking about its celebrity clients online. She had deleted the content about Pattinson at the time, but then two weeks ago, after Stewart's photos surfaced, Hoffman Tweeted what she had seen at Chateau Marmont.
TL;DR? In brief: Allegedly, Robert Pattinson has allegedly been getting his dick wet by all kinds of different women while allegedly in a relationship with Kristen Stewart. Allegedly.
lol "hollywood insider"... probably one of kstew's crazy fans, lbrsorry mods, forgot the source!