“Greedy Lying Bastards,” a film that investigates the fossil fuel industry, has a new executive producer who happens to be well-versed in the art of environmental activism. Daryl Hannah has decided to back first-time filmmaker Craig Rosebraugh’s documentary about the impact that the fossil fuel industry has on politics, profits and the undermining of democracy.
Rosebraugh told the Hollywood Reporter, “Daryl is a gifted actress with an impressive commitment to environmental protection. We are elated to have her on the project.”
Hannah is quite familiar with the tactics and influence that the fossil fuel industry has on politics and the efforts that some will go to in order to silence the protestors. In August of 2011, the “Kill Bill” actress was arrested in front of the White House while protesting the proposed Keystone XL oil pipeline. She had joined the group Tar Sands Action to protest the extension of the pipeline from Alberta, Canada to refineries in Oklahoma, and on to the US Gulf Coast.
The pipeline was not just opposed by environmental groups like Tar Sands Action but also by the National Resources Defense Council, 50 members of Congress, and many other celebrities.
After Hannah was arrested, she was fined $100 and released. According to the new film she is backing, other protestors and environmental activists have faced fates far worse than paying a fine.
The about film section of Greedy Lying Bastards reads, “Those who have spoken out against the corruption, environmental and health impacts caused by irresponsible business practices have been assaulted, jailed, tortured, and murdered.”
For the past decade Hannah has been an advocate of living a green lifestyle. She is an organic gardener, runs a blog called “dh love life” and drives a bio-diesel El Camino which is currently up for sale. She can also be credited with founding the Sustainable Biodiesel Alliance, a group that focuses on three initiatives; independent sustainability certifications, educating the public about the values of community-based biodiesel systems, and providing tools for biodiesel sustainability.
Rosebraugh’s documentary will also feature an original score by Michael Brook, composer of Al Gore’s 2006 film documentary “An Inconvenient Truth.”