NeNe has lost many friends along the way, but plans to continue making her dreams come true -- at whatever cost.
Nene tells Life&Style she's launching her own wine label called Miss Moscato, is working on a shoe line and aspires to be the next Oprah with her own talk show.
"It's very difficult," NeNe laments. "You can't trust a lot of people. Your girlfriends all change, and your family is now against you. There's definitely a cost that comes with fame."
Nene is sought after for lucrative product endorsements and is looking at multimillion-dollar estates.
"I have never experienced so much hate, so much negativity,". NeNe confided to Life & Style after watching the dramatic Nov. 13 episode, in which the other women bashed her behind her back for her exploding ego, inflated bank account -- and even her teeth!
NeNe is quick to blame her co-stars, claiming that they're envious of her rising stardom, particularly her stint on Celebrity Apprentice. "I've got a lot of shine and had things happen for me, and they're definitely jealous," NeNe asserts.
Boasting that she's had more success than any of the other Atlanta Housewives (including Grammy winner Kandi), NeNe advises her former pals to get to work and stop tearing her down.
"They can go out and make it happen for themselves, but don't try to take it from me!"
Kelsey Grammer To Camille: Send Me My Trophies!
Kelsey Grammer is one of the funniest sitcom actors to ever appear on our TV screens, and he has five Emmys to prove it.
The Frazier star apparently considers the awards among his most prized possessions, but when he divorced ex-wife Camille Grammer, he reportedly left the awards in her possession.
RumorFix has confirmed that Kelsey missed the trophies so much that he asked Camille, who stars in Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, to send them to him. And she did.
For those trivia buffs, Kelsey won four Emmys for “Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series” for Frasier and one for “Outstanding Voice Over Performance” for The Simpsons.
Kelsey also has two Golden Globes, no word on whether he’s asked for those.
Peter Thomas Speaks Out Again!
Nene tells Life&Style she's launching her own wine label called Miss Moscato, is working on a shoe line and aspires to be the next Oprah with her own talk show.
"It's very difficult," NeNe laments. "You can't trust a lot of people. Your girlfriends all change, and your family is now against you. There's definitely a cost that comes with fame."
Nene is sought after for lucrative product endorsements and is looking at multimillion-dollar estates.
"I have never experienced so much hate, so much negativity,". NeNe confided to Life & Style after watching the dramatic Nov. 13 episode, in which the other women bashed her behind her back for her exploding ego, inflated bank account -- and even her teeth!
NeNe is quick to blame her co-stars, claiming that they're envious of her rising stardom, particularly her stint on Celebrity Apprentice. "I've got a lot of shine and had things happen for me, and they're definitely jealous," NeNe asserts.
Boasting that she's had more success than any of the other Atlanta Housewives (including Grammy winner Kandi), NeNe advises her former pals to get to work and stop tearing her down.
"They can go out and make it happen for themselves, but don't try to take it from me!"

Kelsey Grammer is one of the funniest sitcom actors to ever appear on our TV screens, and he has five Emmys to prove it.
The Frazier star apparently considers the awards among his most prized possessions, but when he divorced ex-wife Camille Grammer, he reportedly left the awards in her possession.
RumorFix has confirmed that Kelsey missed the trophies so much that he asked Camille, who stars in Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, to send them to him. And she did.
For those trivia buffs, Kelsey won four Emmys for “Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series” for Frasier and one for “Outstanding Voice Over Performance” for The Simpsons.
Kelsey also has two Golden Globes, no word on whether he’s asked for those.

Cynthia Bailey’s other half Peter Thomas isn’t known to hold his tongue.
On clashing with Apollo:
What people see is what it is. I don’t really know Apollo. Apollo felt like he was defending his wife [regarding] the UPTOWN article that I did.
The article was about how I felt about what my wife said and what people were saying about UPTOWN Restaurant and that she gave me money to do it and I wanted to set the record straight by saying yes she made a contribution but I didn’t take her wallet to do it.
The real problem with Sheree:
She talks about everybody f****ed up all the time, especially my wife. She said my wife is spineless. She said my wife has no backbone. She said my wife follows around NeNe like some little puppy. She says a lot of really f****ed up things and my wife is too much of a classy chick to even go in on that so, when they ask me what I think, because me and my wife is one, I’m gone say how I feel. She thinks she’s cute but I don’t think she’s cute. It’s like when I watched [the show Sunday] night and she said ‘well, I know I’m cute’ and my answer was ‘really.’ It didn’t change how I feel.
About NeNe and her mouth:
When I say NeNe is loud, it’s because NeNe got a big ass mouth but I love her. I love her to death. I love her. She’s cool as hell. She’s the realest as far as I’m concerned.
About Kim and her mouth:
When I say Kim is crazy as hell, it’s because her mouth is so reckless. All kinds of s**t come out of her mouth. I don’t think they have ever shot Kim without beeping, without beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep, because she talks crazy. That’s how she talks.
Why UPTOWN Restaurant and Lounge failed:
UPTOWN only failed for the fact that everything in America failed. Every banking institution failed. Okay. Every mortgage company failed. There wasn’t even no dancing in Atlanta during those months so people wasn’t coming out of their house. Everybody was scared. And guess what? The first Black man ever to run for president and won was running that year. We’re in the South. It is what it is. We’re in the South. This ain’t New York. This ain’t Connecticut. This ain’t Philly. This ain’t Boston. This ain’t D.C. We’re in Atlanta, Georgia. It is what it is.
On whether any of his kids will be on RHOA:
My son just moved here from California. I have to find out first if he’s comfortable with it and, if he is and his mother is okay with it, then 100 percent, he will be on next season but that’s not my choice. I just don’t want to push something on him. If he doesn’t want to do it, I would never force him to do it.
Adrienne and Paul Say 'Jury's Still Out' on Kim's New Beau!
On clashing with Apollo:
What people see is what it is. I don’t really know Apollo. Apollo felt like he was defending his wife [regarding] the UPTOWN article that I did.
The article was about how I felt about what my wife said and what people were saying about UPTOWN Restaurant and that she gave me money to do it and I wanted to set the record straight by saying yes she made a contribution but I didn’t take her wallet to do it.
The real problem with Sheree:
She talks about everybody f****ed up all the time, especially my wife. She said my wife is spineless. She said my wife has no backbone. She said my wife follows around NeNe like some little puppy. She says a lot of really f****ed up things and my wife is too much of a classy chick to even go in on that so, when they ask me what I think, because me and my wife is one, I’m gone say how I feel. She thinks she’s cute but I don’t think she’s cute. It’s like when I watched [the show Sunday] night and she said ‘well, I know I’m cute’ and my answer was ‘really.’ It didn’t change how I feel.
About NeNe and her mouth:
When I say NeNe is loud, it’s because NeNe got a big ass mouth but I love her. I love her to death. I love her. She’s cool as hell. She’s the realest as far as I’m concerned.
About Kim and her mouth:
When I say Kim is crazy as hell, it’s because her mouth is so reckless. All kinds of s**t come out of her mouth. I don’t think they have ever shot Kim without beeping, without beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep, because she talks crazy. That’s how she talks.
Why UPTOWN Restaurant and Lounge failed:
UPTOWN only failed for the fact that everything in America failed. Every banking institution failed. Okay. Every mortgage company failed. There wasn’t even no dancing in Atlanta during those months so people wasn’t coming out of their house. Everybody was scared. And guess what? The first Black man ever to run for president and won was running that year. We’re in the South. It is what it is. We’re in the South. This ain’t New York. This ain’t Connecticut. This ain’t Philly. This ain’t Boston. This ain’t D.C. We’re in Atlanta, Georgia. It is what it is.
On whether any of his kids will be on RHOA:
My son just moved here from California. I have to find out first if he’s comfortable with it and, if he is and his mother is okay with it, then 100 percent, he will be on next season but that’s not my choice. I just don’t want to push something on him. If he doesn’t want to do it, I would never force him to do it.

You can add Adrienne and her husband Paul to the list of people who aren't fans of Kim's new boyfriend Ken Blumenfeld.
"Kim is a fantastic lady and Adrienne and I adore her. When I met Kim's new boyfriend, I had mixed feelings." Dr. Paul told Us Magazine, falling in line with other sources that have described Ken as "controlling."
"When I initially met him, since I've known Kim for a while, I used a term of endearment like 'darling' or 'dear' and he got upset at me and at that point I was taken aback, like, 'are you serious?'"
Dr. Paul elaborated. "But then at other times when I would talk with him there would be times where he would endear himself to me so I think the jury is still out on Kim's new boyfriend, Ken."
"I have to tell you he got a little defensive when she was talking to me about something private," Adrienne told Wendy Williams on her show, and saying that the argument is on an episode in the future. "It's kind of new and if she's happy then I'm happy for her."
Kyle Richards talks new episode, co-stars!
"Kim is a fantastic lady and Adrienne and I adore her. When I met Kim's new boyfriend, I had mixed feelings." Dr. Paul told Us Magazine, falling in line with other sources that have described Ken as "controlling."
"When I initially met him, since I've known Kim for a while, I used a term of endearment like 'darling' or 'dear' and he got upset at me and at that point I was taken aback, like, 'are you serious?'"
Dr. Paul elaborated. "But then at other times when I would talk with him there would be times where he would endear himself to me so I think the jury is still out on Kim's new boyfriend, Ken."
"I have to tell you he got a little defensive when she was talking to me about something private," Adrienne told Wendy Williams on her show, and saying that the argument is on an episode in the future. "It's kind of new and if she's happy then I'm happy for her."

According to a new blog entry, Kyle discussed a lot including the fact that Brandi wanted to put the past behind her and tried to talk to Kim. Kyle also wrote about the fact that Adrienne was upset about Lisa having her daughter's bachelorette party at a different casino.
Kyle wrote of Brandi saying hello to Kim at Taylor's daughter's birthday party: "Of course, the day wouldn't be complete without some drama! Brandi tried to talk to my sister Kim who would not even acknowledge her. I feel bad that this is dragging out so long.
Kim can be stubborn and hold a grudge. I would like to see her own up to her part of the fight, apologize, accept Brandi's apology, and move on. I'm not holding my breath. May I suggest the same to you?"
Richards then went on to write of Adrienne and Lisa: "Then there was Adrienne, upset with Lisa for having Pandora's party at her competition's hotel. I was thinking 'Please, no. Not again.' I really don't want to be in the middle anymore, between Kim and Brandi, Lisa and Taylor, or Lisa and Adrienne.
I suggested that maybe Lisa was uncomfortable asking Adrienne to have it at her hotel, The Palms. Well, stay tuned for this one. . ."
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Caroline Manzo and New Times Make Amends!
Kyle wrote of Brandi saying hello to Kim at Taylor's daughter's birthday party: "Of course, the day wouldn't be complete without some drama! Brandi tried to talk to my sister Kim who would not even acknowledge her. I feel bad that this is dragging out so long.
Kim can be stubborn and hold a grudge. I would like to see her own up to her part of the fight, apologize, accept Brandi's apology, and move on. I'm not holding my breath. May I suggest the same to you?"
Richards then went on to write of Adrienne and Lisa: "Then there was Adrienne, upset with Lisa for having Pandora's party at her competition's hotel. I was thinking 'Please, no. Not again.' I really don't want to be in the middle anymore, between Kim and Brandi, Lisa and Taylor, or Lisa and Adrienne.
I suggested that maybe Lisa was uncomfortable asking Adrienne to have it at her hotel, The Palms. Well, stay tuned for this one. . ."

Last week, we got the call to cover Ocean Drive's event for the Miami debut of blk. water, which we thought sounded interesting.
Then we remembered that Albie and Chris, represented the product.
Let us remind you that in October 2010, we interviewed former Jersey housewife, Danielle Staub.
In our Q&A, she said some pretty harsh things about the Manzo family.
And immediately after the story came out, Caroline Manzo called us up and informed us she was not only going after Danielle, but Miami New Times too.
So when we arrived at the Hotel Breakwater for the event, we heard that Jersey's fiery redhead was there. We got on the carpet and moments later, she was in front of us.
New Times: Caroline, we are from Miami New Times. I actually wrote the article last year with Danielle Staub that mentioned your family.
Caroline Manzo: Oh yeah, I remember that. (A scowl reaches her face.)
NT: I am so sorry about that. Please know we are obsessed with you. It's our job, you know?
CM: Yeah, I understand. That came out at a time where she was talking just a bunch of... shit. I mean, that is the only word I can think of. People can talk about me all day, but my family, especially my husband's deceased father, was just so out of line. You were just doing your job. Don't worry-- all is forgiven.
And we ended it with a hug. And with this new found friendship, she gave us an interview. Watch it here:
Life&Style, RumorFix, Uptown, US, Examiner, MiamiNewTimes
Then we remembered that Albie and Chris, represented the product.
Let us remind you that in October 2010, we interviewed former Jersey housewife, Danielle Staub.
In our Q&A, she said some pretty harsh things about the Manzo family.
And immediately after the story came out, Caroline Manzo called us up and informed us she was not only going after Danielle, but Miami New Times too.
So when we arrived at the Hotel Breakwater for the event, we heard that Jersey's fiery redhead was there. We got on the carpet and moments later, she was in front of us.
New Times: Caroline, we are from Miami New Times. I actually wrote the article last year with Danielle Staub that mentioned your family.
Caroline Manzo: Oh yeah, I remember that. (A scowl reaches her face.)
NT: I am so sorry about that. Please know we are obsessed with you. It's our job, you know?
CM: Yeah, I understand. That came out at a time where she was talking just a bunch of... shit. I mean, that is the only word I can think of. People can talk about me all day, but my family, especially my husband's deceased father, was just so out of line. You were just doing your job. Don't worry-- all is forgiven.
And we ended it with a hug. And with this new found friendship, she gave us an interview. Watch it here: