"In what was almost a surreal moment, Frank Ocean’s live performance was of studio quality."
"Ocean’s heartfelt vocal performance reminded the audience why he is considered one of the biggest talents in popular music right now."
"...Frank Ocean brought the show to a standstill with little more than the power of his voice. I don’t want to oversell it, but Ocean again proves he’s a force to be reckoned with..."
"Frank Ocean proved he’s the real deal at the 2012 MTV Video Music Awards.Standing out among his fellow performers, Ocean sang a stripped-down version of his hit song 'Thinking About You.'"
"Ocean can toggle between a falsetto as wispy as smoke and a full voice firm as a handshake, and he did so on the VMAs, furthering his reputation as one of the most impeccable singers in contemporary R&B...It was moving, it was accomplished, and it was brave."
"The performance was a show-stopper at the MTV Video Music Awards..."
"Frank Ocean wowed with a somber, moonlit version of his song 'Thinking About You.'"
"Ocean...shifted from graceful singing to wavering falsetto, it was never less than riveting.",7579689.story
"The performances were the saving grace at this year's VMAs, which included a powerful turn by Frank Ocean..."