ABC Family isn't skimping on its Pretty Little Liars previews. The network has released the first 10 minutes of the Season 3 premiere in advance of its June 5 debut. The preview was initially part of the "Pretty Little Puzzle Hunt," a web-based game for fans to solve with the prize being the clip.
And thankfully someone uploaded the video to YouTube so we don't have to spend time playing Highlights for Kids games!
Season 3 begins five months after the Season 2 finale, and the girls are catching up when they get another text message from "A" about boobs. Okay, not gonna lie. I have no idea what's going on but these girls drink too much! Kids, remember to drink a glass of water in between Jaeger Bombs. And for God's sake, stay away from the hellish elixir for insane people known as Four Loko!
Thanks to whoever solved all those puzzles! Pretty Little Liars returns for Season 3 on Tuesday, June 5 at 8pm on ABC Family.