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Eileen Davidson Leaves Days of Our Lives And Is Returning To The Young And The Restless!

Days of Our Lives actress Eileen Davidson is permanently leaving the daily soap opera and heading back to The Young and the Restless.

Days of Our Lives fans may not be too happy to know that Eileen Davidson who played major character Kristen DiMera will be gone soon.

Soap Opera Digest reported on Tuesday that the actress is set to reprise her role as Ashley Abbott in The Young and the Restless the show she started her soap opera actress career with.

"They has been reaching out for quite a while and wondering what I wanted, so the deal we made suits my life very well," told Eileen Davidson to the publication.

She reportedly is "really happy" with the decision.

"I've put in a lot of years in this medium, which I don't take for granted, so I'm very grateful," added Eileen Davidson.

Currently, the actress is completing the 12-week story arc at DOOL. Watch out for her in the early September when Ashley Abbott makes a thrilling return to The Young and the Restless.

Daytime Emmys Reveals Social Media Hosts!

With fans all around the globe now having the ability to watch the 41st Annual Daytime Emmys stream live for the first time via the Internet, when the ceremonies kick-off with the red carpet arrivals, today the Daytime Emmys social media team has announced their Social Media Hosts!

These women will be conducting interviews and chatting one-on-one with the nominees, presenters and stars on Sunday June 22nd beginning at 3pm PST/6pm EST!

Hosts: Brittany Furlan, Lauren Elizabeth, Jessica Harlow and Meghan Rosette have been given the nod to bring you up close and personal to all the action on Emmy night.

Alison Sweeney Names Sami’s Greatest Hits!

Now this is a fun and emotional interview with Days of our Lives Alison Sweeney (Sami Brady)!

After recently wrapping up her almost 22 year run as Sami on the NBC soap opera, Alison sat down and chatted with Paolo Presta for a new episode and of his Internet series, A Spoonful Of Paolo! After Alison recounted her final day on set and her thoughts on not wanting to know who will get her choice dressing room, Paolo launched into the “Sami’s Greatest” segment!

During the game, Paolo asks Alison her answers to Sami’s greatest … line of dialog, crime, hairstyle, and on-screen romantic relationship!

Later in a sentimental exchange, after talking about Alison’s current novel Scared Scriptless, Paolo presents Alison with a special award, and a bouquet that is out of this world that brought the fan favorite actress to tears!

General Hospital Welcomes Soap Royalty!

How cool is this! When ABC's General Hospital needed to fill the role of a garage mechanic who holds vital information about a hit-and-run crash, they hired a real life car expert from Detroit, Michigan — 52-year-old Mazda product specialist Duncan Hursley. But that's not Hursley's only claim to fame. He's also the grandson of GH's late, great creators, Frank and Doris Hursley! TV Guide Magazine got the scoop on his cameo appearance, airing Friday, June 27.

TV Guide Magazine: How does it feel to see your grandparents'"created by" credit still on every episode of GH?

Hursley: It's really amazing. Their names also continue to appear on every script that's printed up at the studio, which is so wonderful. This is all very surreal for me. I was born in 1962, just a year before GH premiered and I started following it when I was in kindergarten.

TV Guide Magazine: Wow, that sure must warp a kid!

Hursley: [Laughs] I remember sitting in the den with my grandmother every day as she ironed and watched GH, and I'd eat my sandwich and watch right along with her. At one point she expressed some concerns to my mother. "Don't be upset with me, but I think Duncan is really following along on these plotlines!" Those were the great years of Jessie and Phil. By the mid-'70s, I had a mad crush on Dr. Lesley Webber. [Laughs] I vividly remember her tossing Cameron Faulkner down those stairs!

TV Guide Magazine: And you've stayed a loyal viewer ever since?

Hursley: Actually, no. I'd fallen way from watching GH for a number of years but all of a sudden I was hearing in the news about soaps being cancelled left and right. All My Children and One Life to Live were gone and there was concern that GH might not make it, either. I thought, "Jeez, it would be a crime if my grandparents' show didn't make it to the big 50th anniversary." So I tuned in to check it out about a year and a half ago — just after [executive producer] Frank Valentini and [head writer] Ron Carlivati took over — and couldn't believe it! With one episode I was hooked again and haven't missed the show since. Frank and Ron have done a fantastic job.

TV Guide Magazine: And now you're costarring with Jason Thompson and Kelly Monaco!

Hursley: And, man, it was such a thrill. And so hard to believe. [Laughs] It felt like I was walking right into my own TV set.

TV Guide Magazine: The plot has Patrick and Sam visiting an auto-repair shop where your character, Mechanic Bill, coughs up confidential client info about the car that hit Patrick and Sabrina. Thank God we're finally getting to the bottom of this!

Hursley: Frank was very generous and put a lot of thought into the scene and the role. Of course, I can't reveal much but there's an element on the set that eagle-eyed viewers are going to love. It was so much fun. I'd go back in a heartbeat.

TV Guide Magazine: How'd this happen?

Hursley: I was in town doing the L.A. Auto Show last November, and reached out to Valentini. We met and spent a lot of time together at the studio, and he invited me to come on the show. A few weeks ago, they got in touch and made it official.

TV Guide Magazine: This gig isn't totally out of the blue for you, right? Don't you do some acting in Detroit?

Hursley: In my younger years I did a lot of theater. I have some commercials running locally and, occasionally, a film comes through town. The new Batman-Superman movie is ramping up to shoot in Detroit all summer and I have a callback for that. But it's just a sideline. I'm now 15 years with Mazda. I did spend most of the '90s in L.A., waiting tables and getting some soap work here and there. I did an under-five role as a waiter at the Penthouse Grill on Days of Our Lives and that turned into a four-year run. One day, Louise Sorel (Vivian) started calling my character "Claude" and it just caught on.

TV Guide Magazine: And you had great connections at Santa Barbara, right? Your aunt, Bridget Dobson, created that show with her husband, Jerry.

Hursley: I did do an under-five role at Santa Barbara — I was on a team of environmental activists working with Dash Nichols [Timothy Gibbs] and had a scene with the amazing Nancy Grahn [Julia] — but it happened during the time that the Dobsons were locked out of the studio.

TV Guide Magazine: That was the single craziest thing I've ever witnessed in 500 years of covering soaps. They put up a picture of Bridget at the NBC guard gate that said: "Do NOT let this woman on the lot." She was banned from her own show!

Hursley: I remember seeing that in the Hollywood Reporter. I couldn't believe what I was reading! Our side of the family didn't know Bridget. She and my dad, Frank, Jr. were half-siblings. I believe she would have thought my dad was pretty brilliant but they never met. It's too bad. [Logan note: The Hursley-Dobson family history is riveting and a soap unto itself! You can get all the scoop in this great piece at Michigan Today]

TV Guide Magazine: So you never met Bridget, either?

Hursley: Just once. She and Jerry came into a restaurant where I was working. I knew what she looked like because I saw her get up on stage and grab an Emmy.

TV Guide Magazine: That was the second craziest thing in soap history! Santa Barbara won the best show Emmy after Bridget and Jerry were booted out, and we all watched her dash to the stage and grab that trophy before the new exec producer, Jill Phelps, knew what hit her. Crazy times. So what happened when you spotted her at this restaurant?

Hursley: I thought, "Wow, that's Bridget and Jerry and that must be my cousin, Andrew. I can't let this pass." So I went up to them at their table toward the end of their meal and put out my hand to her and said, "Bridget Dobson?" She looked at me with those Hursley eyes. The emotion was all in my throat and I said, "I just want to say hello. I'm Duncan Hursley." And about all she could manage to say was, "How did you know who we were?" That was pretty much it for our conversation.

TV Guide Magazine: Yikes. Well, the Dobsons were always the oddest of ducks but they made spectacular TV. Nothing was better than when Santa Barbara was at its best.

Hursley: I was a huge fan of Santa Barbara. When the Dobsons were writing it, it was a riot and unlike any other show on the air. My hat's off to them because I thought their work was brilliant.

TV Guide Magazine: Back to GH, what would your grandparents think of their show now?

Hursley: Oh, I think they'd be so proud and pleased as punch that GH is still on the air and looking so strong and vital right now. And I think they'd really appreciate the blending of the legacy characters from years ago with all of the newer characters of today. I think they'd also appreciate how hard it is to make a soap today, what with the time restraints and tight budgets, because they were really hard workers themselves. There was one point in the late '50s when Frank and Doris were writing more hours of programming than anyone else in television. Even later, when they started GH, they were also still writing Search for Tomorrow and then a few years later, while they were still writing GH, they started yet another soap, Bright Promise. Their creativity and output was mind-numbing!

Steve Burton on His Young and the Restless Daddy Bombshell!

For many months now, fans of CBS's The Young and the Restless have been led to believe that villainous self-help guru Ian Ward is the biological father of war vet Dylan McAvoy. But, as some savvy viewers have suspected, that's just not the case!

In episodes airing this week, it will become clear that Dylan — played by Emmy winner and current nominee Steve Burton — is actually the son of Genoa City detective Paul Williams. To get the scoop, TV Guide Magazine sat down for a chat with Burton, one of the most disarming — and controversial — actors in soaps.

TV Guide Magazine: So how are things in Avery's kitchen?

Burton: Hey, watch it. We're done with all that cooking stuff! It's over! No more! [Laughs] I got no man parts left!

TV Guide Magazine: I still can't believe Dylan and Avery actually had a scene where they discussed whether or not she should wear an apron. Was that the ultimate challenge of your acting career?

Burton: Yes, it was. And, gee, thanks for the...support.

TV Guide Magazine: But now you've got a real storyline! Let's discuss. Dylan being Paul's kid instead of Ian's should shake up a lot of relationships in GC, no?

Burton: This affects everybody and that's when you know it's a great story. As we've already found out, Dylan and Paul have the same blood type and finally the news comes out that Paul is his dad, which is obviously a big shocker.

TV Guide Magazine: Except to those who have seen this coming a mile away. We've been getting hints of a much deeper Paul-Nikki connection for quite some time now.

Burton: The audience was guessing this eight months ago. "Paul is your dad!" And I'm, like, "No, he's not. My dad is Ian Ward!" I only found out about this a couple of months back, and I was very excited.

TV Guide Magazine: Dylan and Paul have never had much of a connection, so this could be interesting.

Burton: This is whole new territory for those two and for many others. You're going to see how this affects Paul and Nikki, and Paul and Christine, and Victor and Nikki. Do not miss these episodes, people!

TV Guide Magazine: How will Dylan react to having a new daddy?

Burton: Well, for one thing his PTSD is going to sneak back in.

TV Guide Magazine: But isn't this good news?

Burton: This is so much better than having Ian Ward for a dad and, when things settle, I think Dylan and Paul can do this. [Laughs] Hey, Paul can't solve a crime to save his life but, you know, it's gonna be fine. Does Victor know that Paul and Nikki had a roll around in the hay all those years ago?

TV Guide Magazine: I'm not even sure the audience knows about it. This seems to be new information. What'll happen with Paul and Christine's plan to have a child, now that Paul suddenly has one?

Burton: Dylan will go to Christine and say, "Hey look, Mom, it's me! A little older than you wanted but..." And Paul will be, like, "Honey, don't call me to come home in the middle of the day. I know you're ovulating but I have Dylan now!" [Laughs] Juuust kidding.

TV Guide Magazine: There's another little matter that leads to this big reveal — we find out Ian Ward can't have kids. He's just a lyin' loser! Doesn't this pretty much defang him as a villain? He's got no more hold on anyone, no real reason to remain in GC.

Burton: We love having Ray Wise here! He's awesome and I don't think he's going anywhere. Just wait. Ian is about to throw another wrench into the works.

TV Guide Magazine: Dylan and Victor make a surprisingly great team, brought together by their mutual hate of Ian. Will we see more of that?

Burton: I hope so. I love working with Eric Braeden. Dylan and Victor are such an unlikely pair but the fans seem to get a kick out of that. Everyone wants to beat up Ian Ward! [Laughs] It's like that movie Airplane where everybody's waiting in line to smack that panicky passenger. I don't know if there's any real bonding going on between Dylan and Victor. I think Victor thinks of Dylan more as a barnacle. "I don't know if I like you yet but when I get tired of you, I'm just gonna flick you off. You'll be gone!" But I hope not. I'd like to see more stuff for the two of us.

TV Guide Magazine: You've had to weather a lot of criticism as a result of your professional relationship with [Y&R exec producer] Jill Phelps — in fact, you're the quintessential FOJ, aka Friend of Jill — so let's talk about that.

Burton: Is there really anything I could say that's gonna matter?

TV Guide Magazine: Who knows? Let's give it a shot

Burton: No matter what I say, people will take it the way they take it. But go ahead.

TV Guide Magazine: Well, as you know, there is a loud contingent that thinks Jill wickedly masterminded your exit from General Hospital and brought you to Y&R where she proceeded to turn it into The Dylan Show — and a year and half later those people still won't shut up. How's it been to hear all that griping?

Burton: Listen, without the fans we don't have a show. I understand their frustrations and I know that they don't necessarily like change. I guess maybe my coming to Y&R upsets people because they don't really know the truth of what happened.

TV Guide Magazine: Which is...?

Burton: What you and I both know — that GH didn't make a deal with me. And that's the whole truth. My contract was up and they didn't want to play ball and make it work. At the time, I didn't want to throw anyone under the bus over there but of course, as soon as it was announced I was going to Y&R, people thought the whole thing was planned by Jill from Day 1, which it was not. I vividly remember my manager telling me how ABC Business Affairs had called him to say, "Hey, is Steve going to Y&R now that Jill's over there?" And my manager said, "No, he wants to make a deal with you! Quit dragging your feet. Make a deal." But they wouldn't.

TV Guide Magazine: Are you aware GH used your photo a while back when they were talking about your ex-character, Jason?

Burton: I heard about that photo. People were tweeting me, "Are you coming back to GH?"

TV Guide Magazine: It did seem intended to cause that reaction. Did they have to pay you to use that photo?

Burton: Yeah. [Laughs] I think I got 10 cents.

TV Guide Magazine: Were you glad to hear that Jason isn't dead after all?

Burton: Why?

TV Guide Magazine: Because you might want to come back some day.

Burton: I'm sure they're going to recast. Why wouldn't they?

TV Guide Magazine: Do you still watch GH?

Burton: I never watched GH. I don't watch Y&R, either. I don't watch any show I'm on. You know that!

TV Guide Magazine: Uh, actually I didn't know that. What's the problem?

Burton: I don't like watching myself, so the only time I see a bit of the show is in the makeup room or when we were looking at the Emmy reels. I never watch a full episode.

TV Guide Magazine: Oh that subject, congrats on the Emmy nomination! But why are you in supporting?

Burton: I don't really work that much! I don't know how anybody can say that Y&R is The Dylan Show. Now, you could maybe say that GH was The Jason Show, but that's not the case at Y&R. Who belongs in the lead actor category anyway? To my mind, it's the big guns — Peter Bergman and Eric Braeden and those kinda guys at Y&R, just as it was Tony Geary and Maurice Benard at GH.

TV Guide Magazine: So would you say this has all turned out for the best? Are you glad now that GH didn't ask you to stay?

Burton: As sad as I was that it didn't work out at GH — and, trust me, it was tough — this move has been amazing. I've made so many wonderful new friendships at Y&R and such good things have resulted. Plus, I get to spend a lot of time with my wife and kids back in Tennessee — obviously too much time because we're having another baby. [Laughs]

TV Guide Magazine: And soon, right?

Burton: Just a couple more weeks. I get nine days off from Y&R so I can be home when it happens.

TV Guide Magazine: And you're sure the baby will be born then?

Burton: Oh, that baby will be born then. No question. July 7. C-section. It's all planned out and it's pretty exciting! The move to Tennessee has been so great. I have a life! I coach football, take the kids to tennis and everywhere else they need to go. It's been life-changing for me. People always go, "Man that must be tough flying back and forth across the country to do your job!" But when I was in L.A., I lived in Newport Beach and drove to the studio every day in bumper-to-bumper traffic — four hours round trip. Lemme tell ya, I'd rather be on a plane sitting in the middle seat in coach than do that again! So, yeah, this has all worked out for the best. I wouldn't even call it bittersweet. I really miss my pals over at GH. I was there almost 21 years. But this change has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

Oprah Checks In With Benard!

GENERAL HOSPITAL star Maurice Benard (Sonny) will be appearing on the Oprah Winfrey Network series, OPRAH: WHERE ARE THEY NOW?, later this summer!

Back in 2007, Benard and his wife, Paula, were guests on THE OPRAH WINFREY SHOW in an episode featuring the topic of bipolar disorder. Although the Emmy winner has been outspoken about the mental illness that both he and his character share, Benard rarely appears on talk shows... but who could say no to Oprah?

Now, Soaps In Depth has learned, OWN caught up with the Benards for a segment on WHERE ARE THEY NOW?, the popular series that tracks down the most memorable OPRAH SHOW guests for updates on their lives today.

We will let you know as soon as we get a date confirmed for the Benard family, but in the meantime, all new episodes of OPRAH: WHERE ARE THEY NOW? air every Sunday at 9 p.m. ET/PT on OWN.

Is Donna Mills Back On GH?

Could Donna Mills already be back at GENERAL HOSPITAL taping as Madeline? Yesterday, television personality Sandie Newton, who contributes to Hallmark's HOME & FAMILY, tweeted a photo of herself with good friend Ilene Kristen (Delia) and Mills.

Since we already know that Kristen has been taping some GH appearances, Mills' Madeline might be back in town, too! And with daughter Nina out of her coma, it's the perfect time for Madeline to return to the canvas... we're sure Nina has some choice words for the woman who killed her baby and put her in a coma!

We're investigating and will let you know as soon as we uncover any

Thaao Penghlis To Return To General Hospital!

According to a tweet this afternoon from Thaao Penghlis, the actor is heading back to General Hospital to reprise the role of Victor Cassadine!

Penghlis tweeted, “Have been asked back to General Hospital to explore the new escapades of that charming but mischievous rogue Victor Cassadine. Stay tuned!”

So what will happen when Victor returns to Port Charles this time? Will it have to do with Robin’s research work on Jason, Stavros and Helena? Or, will it have to do with his past love, Dr. Liesl Obrecht (Kathleen Gati)? Or, some new mysterious mission?

Cameron Mathison Clears Up Y&R Rumors!

Over the past several weeks, and in the rumor mill, has been that Cameron Mathison visited the set of the CBS soap opera, The Young and the Restless. While there he auditioned, or was taking a meeting, to be considered as a recast for the role of Adam Newman, last played by fired star Michael Muhney. Still other reports surfaced that said Mathison may have visited the soap in regards to another role.

Early this morning, Mathison tweeted a response to all of those fans who have been inquiring of the former All My Children (Ex-Ryan Lavery) heartthrob, and current entertainment news correspondent and actor if he was indeed in the running to be the next black sheep of the Newman clan.

Cameron posted this statement on Twitter: “Just to clear up some rumors … There is absolutely NO indication that I am going to Y&R to play Adam Newman. Thanks for all the support tho.”

Peggy McCay Hospitalized After Falling on Set!

Days of our Lives actress Deidre Hall (Dr. Marlena Evans) announced on her Facebook page that 83-year-old co-star Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady) has been hospitalized after an accident on set.

"Darling Peggy McCay took a fall on set Monday and was hospitalized," she reported. "I'm happy to say, she is recovering and in good spirits. Please send thoughts her way."

McCay has been nominated for three Daytime Emmy Awards for her work on Days. She also has three Primetime Emmy nods, winning in 1991 for The Trials of Rosie O'Neill.

Death of Angelique Boyer’s Mother Stops Filming of Top Telenovela!

Popular Univision telenovela Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, has temporarily halted filming after the death of star, Angelique Boyer’s mother. Those close to the situation say 49 year old Sylvie Rousseau had been dealing with heart problems for several months.

In May Boyer posted a Tweet seeking out people with an O-positive blood type, which her mother Sylvie desperately needed at the time. Before her death she had undergone several operations, including open heart surgery, and had just been transported to a new hospital for further treatment.

Emphysema, a lung disease brought on by smoking, was a complicating factor in her death.

Although the top rated soap is due to wrap up filming in the coming weeks, producer Angelli Nesma made it clear that they will happily reschedule things so 25 year old Boyer (who plays Montse) can have all the time she needs to mourn and take care of her mother’s affairs. The two hour finale is set to air on July 27th.

Televisa, the company which produces and licenses Lo Que La Vida Me Robó, left an official message of condolence on Twitter:

“Televisa unites in the sorrow that Angelique Boyer faces in the death of her mother, Sylvie Rousseau. Rest in peace.”

Boyer’s fellow actress Érika Buenfil also took to Twitter to pay her respects:

“Angelique, with all my heart, I’m very sorry for everything you have been going through … I sent you a lot of love and big hug. I’m very sorry.”

The Week In The Year 2013!

After spending a night alone at her loft, Steffy decided that Hope could give Liam what Steffy couldn't. Steffy planned to go to Paris for good and asked Hope to take care of Liam. Liam was confused when Steffy cryptically ended their marriage, and as Steffy boarded a plane, Hope told Liam that things were working out as they'd been intended to. Brooke fainted before she could tell Katie and Bill about the baby. Upon learning that she'd had a miscarriage, Brooke decided to keep silent about the baby and affair with Bill. Refusing to be Bill's pawn, Maya told Rick the truth about why she'd broken things off. The couple reunited, and Rick finally ended things with Caroline.

John admitted to a stunned Marlena that he still had unresolved feelings for Kristen. John said that he was remorseful about his dark plan to break up Kristen and Brady, but Marlena told him that they were through. Kristen and Nicole fought over their feelings for Brady. Sami shot Detective Bernardi to save Rafe's life, but E.J. was there for her when she needed him. Sami felt guilty and was sad for Bernardi's wife and son, but she stuck to her story and told Hope and Roman that Bernardi had tried to kill Rafe. Hope arrested Sami when the police did not find the weapon to verify her story. Kristen vowed to get her revenge against Marlena. Sonny surprised Will and suggested to him that Gabi and Arianna should move in with them. Later, Gabi decided to move in with Will and Sonny. Kristen told John that she was free of him forever. Jennifer believed J.J. when he told her that he had not vandalized Daniel's car and that he was sorry about what had happened with Parker. Daniel told Jennifer that he still had his doubts about J.J., and that led to an argument between them. Daniel tried to explain his position, but Jennifer walked out on him. Kristen met with a mysterious man as part of her plot to get back at Marlena. Stefano left town.

Patrick and Sabrina made love. Britt managed to stay a step ahead of Felix and Sabrina, who were determined to get a sample of Britt's blood to prove that Britt wasn't sick. Sonny postponed the hit on Franco because he didn't want to put innocent people at risk. Carly arranged for Shawn to shoot Franco on Metro Court Restaurant's terrace. Olivia had a vision of Sonny covered in blood, so she ran out to the terrace, thinking that Franco intended to kill Sonny. Shawn's sniper bullet struck Olivia as Olivia threw herself between Sonny and Franco. Sonny threatened to kill Carly if Olivia died. Alexis caught Shawn in a lie. Franco knew that Carly had arranged the hit on him, but he promised to keep quiet because he was determined to make amends for his past. A bone marrow biopsy confirmed that Danny had leukemia. Diane was shocked when Silas refused to postpone the custody hearing so that Sam could focus on Danny. Silas explained that he would be doing Sam a favor by taking Rafe off of her hands. Rafe was stunned when the judge ruled in Silas' favor. Taylor was disappointed when the prom was cancelled because of the shooting at Metro Court, but she persuaded T.J. to take her out on a date, so they could still enjoy their evening. Kiki was upset after a talk with Franco, so she went to the apartment to talk to Morgan but found Michael home alone. Morgan used Michael's credit card to gamble online. Luke called to make an appointment to get the results of his tests.

Phyllis found Summer's birth control pills and warned her daughter against making a mistake. Kyle planned a special evening to celebrate Summer's graduation, and Summer suggested that they get a hotel room, but she eventually opted to spend the evening with her friends. Phyllis decided to move back in with Jack. Nick was devastated to learn that his DNA was not a match with Summer's, and Phyllis blasted him for playing God. Fen partied with fellow "losers" after graduation. Michael and Lauren started marriage counseling. Victor presented Nikki with a honeymoon trip to Italy, and he set up a test for Adam in his absence. Adam informed someone that Victor would be out of town. Chelsea was horrified when she blurted that she loved Dylan, but she was thrilled when he later returned the sentiment. Anita threatened to tell Adam the truth about Chelsea's baby's paternity. Avery and Leslie started their own law firm. Leslie sought access to Gus's safe deposit box. An excerpt about Devon from Neil's journal appeared online. Cane hired Hilary Curtis as his new assistant. Noah and Sharon commiserated over not knowing what to do with their lives. Sharon turned to a stranger at a bar for attention. Chloe realized that Kevin had stolen again, and she left him. Victoria suspected that Billy was having an affair, and she caught Billy and Chloe in an innocent hug.


Monday, June 23
Abigail finds herself in E.J.'s arms; Jennifer sets herself on a collision course with a rival; J.J. faces a case of mistaken identity; Jordan gets advice from Kate.

Tuesday, June 24
Jennifer has an unexpected encounter with Eve; Rafe pushes Jordan to reveal her secrets; Will questions Abigail's behavior; E.J. picks a best man.

Wednesday, June 25
Jennifer worries Eve is holding a grudge against her; Brady turns to Maggie for help; Theresa figures out how to hold onto Brady; E.J. makes an unexpected invite.

Thursday, June 26
Eve drops a bomb on Jennifer; Kate gets a lead on Jordan's past; Rafe makes a decision about Jordan; Theresa gets Brady in her clutches.

Friday, June 27
Daniel confronts Nicole about Eric; Kate goes to meet a man who knows Jordan; Sami makes wedding plans with an increasingly uncomfortable Abigail; Hope and Aiden receive surprising news.

Monday, June 23
Ava gets a warning from Carly; Nina shows her true colors; Maxie talks to Lulu about the custody verdict.

Tuesday, June 24
Carly's bond with Sonny makes Franco jealous; Ava taunts Sonny; Silas rushes to help Nina.

Wednesday, June 25
Josslyn pushes Franco to look for a new job; Sam harbors doubts about Nina; Obrecht has a plot for Britt.

Thursday, June 26
Obrecht has a proposition for Franco; Levi and Nathan are at odds; Patrick tries to remember details about the crash.

Friday, June 27
Sam and Patrick visit a mechanic; Tracy tries to get back into ELQ; Franco catches Sonny and Carly embracing.

Monday, June 23
Quinn (Rena Sofer) turns to Bill (Don Diamont) for help; Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) talks to his family about the future.

Tuesday, June 24
Quinn proposes a partnership to Deacon (Sean Kanan); Thorne (Winsor Harmon) wonders about Oliver's (Zack Conroy) intentions.

Wednesday, June 25
Maya (Karla Mosley) opens up to Oliver about a past regret; Liam (Scott Clifton) and Quinn's rivalry reaches epic proportions.

Thursday, June 26
Quinn's dedication shocks Wyatt (Darin Brooks); Rick's (Jacob Young) plans take an unexpected detour.

Friday, June 27
Rick's confession prompts her to confront Maya; Wyatt talks to Deacon about Hope (Kim Matula).

Monday, June 23
Victor (Eric Braeden) sees Ian (Ray Wise) and Mariah (Camryn Grimes) together; Nikki's (Melody Thomas Scott) confession shakes Dylan (Steve Burton).

Tuesday, June 24
As Neil (Kristoff St. John) and Hilary's (Mishael Morgan) wedding day approaches, Devon (Bryton James) considers his next move; Colin's (Tristan Rogers) plot takes a disastrous turn.

Wednesday, June 25
Jack (Peter Bergman) sees Stitch (Sean Carrigan) and Kelly (Cady McClain) share a moment; Summer (Hunter King) promises to stand by Austin (Matthew Atkinson).

Thursday, June 26
Nick (Joshua Morrow) and Victor work together to protect their families; Christine (Lauralee Bell) works to keep information from Paul (Doug Davidson).

Friday, June 27
Jack opens up to Traci (Beth Maitland); Summer reaches out to Phyllis; Nikki's secret comes to light.

sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

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