Have you ever heard of a "booty room"? Neither had we until we stumbled upon a rumor today that actually seems kind of believable given the recent Kimye happenings. Nevermind walls of roses or wedding celebrations at Versailles, outlets are reporting a rumor that Kim Kardashian has dedicated an entire room in her new Bel-Air mansion to beautifying, toning, and pampering her butt, and they're calling it a "booty room."
So what does that involve exactly? Butt-toning gym equipment, including the ProForm Booty Firm, the Yukon Fitness Butt, and Thigh Shaper, the Suzanne Somers Buttmaster, and a range of butt-toning belts and resistance bands, the reports are saying. It doesn't stop there. There's also talk of a cellulite-busting "area" (whatever that means) and a bum-spa (whatever that means).
While it's very unclear about whether or not the rumor is actually true, we just had to laugh. Meanwhile, Kim, you just keep doing you, and we'll wait to see if this "booty room" is built.
Fitness post! (butts and all)