We know that Warner Bros Pictures is way behind Marvel Studios when it comes to making movies out of its comic book properties. But I have intel on what is coming up at this July’s Comic-Con from the studio. A lot of stuff remains in flux but my sources have so far:
May 2016– Batman v Superman
July 2016 – Shazam
Xmas 2016– Sandman
May 2017– Justice League
July 2017– Wonder Woman
Xmas 2017– Flash and Green Lantern team-up
May 2018– Man Of Steel 2
There had been talk of a Metal Men and Suicide Squad movie for sometime in 2016 but that project fell off the schedule.
Meanwhile, if you were wondering why Batman v Superman was delayed, it wasn’t the script or Ben Affleck or Jesse Eisenberg but with the fact that this pic will act as a launching pad for the Justice League. According to my source, “Like Marvel’s The Avengers, there will be cameos of superheroes for future installments. The cameos will include the already known Cyborg and Flash. Green Lantern [not played by Ryan Reynolds, thank god] may be introduced. And Aquaman will be seen in the Justice League movie. Problem is, Warner Bros Pictures was still negotiating with the actors for those cameos and future roles, meaning major contracts for multiple JL/character films to follow. The studio didn’t want to move forward until they had more of this secure so they held off starting production for a few months. Seemingly simple reason, but the implications are pretty darn huge.”