There was a time (not too long ago) when baby oil was more of a beach staple than sunscreen. Jennifer Garner knows what I'm talking about:
"My whole generation—I think we were all just tossed out into the sun to burn to a crisp," she told me on the phone. "I was deep brown all summer, every summer. Now I realize I’m really fair, and I never had any business being that tan."
While the low-key actress may not insist on wearing makeup every day, SPF is nonnegotiable, for her or her family.
When you’re at the beach, do you wear makeup?
"No. I almost never wear makeup unless someone is putting it on me for work. I do usually use a little concealer around my nose or under my eyes, but that’s as far as I go. I used to wear mascara every day, and I don’t know why, but it feels fake or something. I’ve just grown out of it."
So I guess it's fair to say you aren't exactly a beauty junkie?
"I’m not someone who should be in a beauty spotlight. I was one of those people who wore pajamas to class every day in college, and I would still be that way if I could! I’m in New Balance sneakers every day. I try not to be because I get made fun of by my husband and friends, but it’s not natural for me to think about how I look on a daily basis. So I’m kind of my own walking beauty disaster.
That's pretty hard to believe when we see pictures of you on the red carpet.
"I have grown to love nice clothes and looking nice. I’ve been exposed to such a level of fashion and design that I have no right to wear, and I have to say, I’ve grown to reeeeaalllly like them. When it comes to the red carpet, I’m all in."
I hate wearing make up when it's hot and humid because I feel it melts on my face.
Makeup free post